
Basic usage of tsfile and jdbc of IoTDB

Primary LanguageJava


This project is mainly used to introduce the basic usages of TsFile and IoTDB-JDBC.


For TsFile, this project supplies two simple classes to show how to write a TsFile and how to execute query on specified TsFile. These two classes are TsFileWriteDemo and TsFileReadDemo.

Write a TsFile

Run TsFileWriteDemo to write a TsFile. In this class, the constant INPUT_DATA_FILE_PATH represents the path of data-source file and the constant OUTPUT_TSFILE_PATH represents the output path of generated TsFile. The default folder for these two files is src/main/resources and you can modify these two constants according to your own situation.

Read from TsFile

To construct specific query, you can modify the variables timeFilter and valueFilter in class TsFileReadDemo .


Just Run JDBCDemo to execute query from JDBC. You can modify the constant QUERY_SQL to execute specific statements.