- AlphaSeekerLiCambridge
- bigbugzhangjie
- CanonChen
- chrisPiemontePrometeia
- ckxckx
- cthoyt@northeastern
- ErwinXuMicrosoft
- fly51flyPRIS
- foreseezChina
- gaetangateIBM Research AI
- GhibliField
- jerrywu65Fudan University
- jianglei260
- johnny12150@Academia-Sinica @NCTU
- KayTony
- liberty-liben
- librahuAnt Financial
- MGwave
- mklimaszWarsaw
- mocho77New Delhi, India
- njoe9
- orcaxFreelancer
- popeye007
- reiyw@legalforce
- Scaredname
- sunzequnNanjing University
- tranhungnghiepNational Institute of Informatics
- waiteryee127NetEase
- waithope
- xgericUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- yhshuThe Ohio State University
- yuanyuandeworld
- yzhangeeHKUST(GZ)
- zhangzhaocsInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- zhenwang9102
- zhouchunpongZJU