Annotate VCF file using Hbase framework.
The code has been tested on a virtual machine with the following configurations:
- Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
- Java openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
- Hadoop 2.7.5
- Hbase 1.3.2
Both Hadoop and Hbase are configured in Pseudo-Distributed mode.
We will take the assumption that Annotation Table resides in Hbase database and can be continually updated. User will use VCF file as input, and the output will be the annotated VCF.
For the Annotation Table, we will design its schema and load some sample data for testing. This is done by
The row key for Annotation Table has the design like this:
And there will only be one column family cosmic
and a single column qualifier content
to store the annotation for this variant.
The benefit to have this schema design is that, first of all, it will have quick read access for the query in our problem. Ref base is not included as a part of row key, because it is already certain if we have specified both start and end position in a chromosome. With the query has the same structure as row key, we will be able to take the full advantage of NoSQL database system to fetch the content efficiently. Secondly, since everything in Hbase is sorted in order of row key, our data will be naturally grouped by chromosome and in its order of location.
Our data, for example, will have format like this:
Rowkey | ColumnFamly |
Column | |
9.95121497.95121498.GA | ID=COSN212065;OCCURENCE=1(breast) |
X.79951432.79951433.AA | ID=COSM1558810;OCCURENCE=1(lung) |
X.107554022.107554023.AA | ID=COSM1650981,COSM1145489;OCCURENCE=1(lung) |
... | ... |
Since each VCF Table to be annotated is generally huge, it is necessary to annotate them in parallel. We can take the advantage of Hadoop MapReduce framework to speed up this process.
will implement this task.
User can first put the input file into HDFS. In this sample implementation, the AnnotateMapper
processes one line from input file at a time. The mapper will construct a query in the format mentioned above, send a query to Hbase, and get a result if the corresponding annotation exists. This operation can be further optimized in batch operation to process multiple lines at a time in future.
public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Get g = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));
g.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(CF_DEFAULT), Bytes.toBytes(ATTR));
Result result = table.get(g);
context.write(mutation, annotation);
The KeyValue pair emits is simply the row key and its cell in Hbase, and they are the combination we desired for annotation. There is no need to furtherly process this KeyValue, we can omit the reducer and directly set the pair as the final output.
Consider that if both vcf file and annotation table are imported into Hbase database, we need to support a join operation to annotate our dataset. There are multiple ways to implement this operation. Although mapper-side join is more efficient for two sorted datasets, here we chose a reducer-side join algorithm as general solution.
The VCF table is using the same row key structure as above. MultiTableInputFormat
allows us to put multiple tables as data source for mapper. Mapper will simply emit the row key and the corresponding column value: empty value for VCF table, and annotation text for Annotation table. Then we combine and reduce the result to see if the row key comes from both table. If so, we write the annotation text to the output file.
First build HbaseVCF
to load the sample Annotation Table data:
$ javac
$ java HbaseVCF
Then build Hadoop job to map input data to annotate:
$ hadoop
$ jar cf av.jar AnnotateVCF*.class
$ hadoop jar av.jar AnnotateVCF -libjars $(hbase mapredcp | tr ':' ',') /input /output
The similar procedure for join two tables to annotate:
$ hadoop
$ jar cf jv.jar JoinVCF*.class
$ hadoop jar jv.jar JoinVCF -libjars $(hbase mapredcp | tr ':' ',') /output
Notice there is no input directory.