
CasaOS Internationalization(i18n) Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CasaOS Internationalization(i18n) Project

How to submit a new translation

git clone https://github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-i18n.git

The back-end folder holds the language files of the CasaOS back-end project.
The front-end folder holds the language files of the CasaOS UI project.

Copy the en_us.js (front-end) or en_us.json (back-end) to a new file named de_de.js (front-end) or de_de.json (back-end). Then update the translation.


UI Project

Language Progress Contributors
English 100% IceWhaleTech
中文 100% IceWhaleTech
Deutsch 90% thueske patrickhilker
Español 90% baptiste313
Français 90% baptiste313
Italiano 90% albanobattistella
Русский 90% ImOstrovskiy