
A widget for observing data related to the child widgets being displayed in a scrollview.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Flutter ScrollView Observer

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Language: English | 中文

This is a library of widget that can be used to listen for child widgets those are being displayed in the scroll view.



You do not need to change the view you are currently using, just wrap a ViewObserver around the view to achieve the following features.

  • Observing child widgets those are being displayed in the scroll view
  • Supports scrolling to the specified index location
  • Quickly implement the chat session page effect


  • ListView
  • SliverList
  • GridView
  • SliverGrid
  • Mixing usage of SliverPersistentHeader, SliverList and SliverGrid


Add scrollview_observer to your pubspec.yaml file:

  scrollview_observer: latest_version

Import scrollview_observer in files that it will be used:

import 'package:scrollview_observer/scrollview_observer.dart';

Getting Started

Take ListView as an example

1、Observing child widgets those are being displayed in the scroll view

Parameter description of ListViewObserver:

Parameter Required Description
child yes Create [ListView] as a child of [ListViewObserver]
sliverListContexts no In this callback, we need to return all [BuildContext] of the [ListView] those needs to be observed. This property is only used when [BuildContext] needs to be specified exactly
onObserve no This callback can listen for information about the child widgets those are currently being displayed in the current first [Sliver]
onObserveAll no This callback can listen for information about all the children of slivers that are currently being displayed. This callback is only needed when there are more than one [Sliver]
leadingOffset no The offset of the head of scroll view. Find the first child start at this offset.
dynamicLeadingOffset no This is a callback that provides [leadingOffset], used when the leading offset in the head of the scroll view is dynamic. It has a higher priority than [leadingOffset]
toNextOverPercent no When the percentage of the first child widget is blocked reaches this value, the next child widget will be the first child that is displaying. The default value is 1

Method 1: General (Recommended)

It is relatively simple to use and has a wide application range. In general, only this method is needed

Build ListViewObserver and pass the ListView instance to the child parameter

  child: _buildListView(),
  onObserve: (resultModel) {
    print('firstChild.index -- ${resultModel.firstChild?.index}');
    print('displaying -- ${resultModel.displayingChildIndexList}');

By default, ListView relevant data will only be observed when scrolling.

If needed, you can use ListObserverController triggered an observation manually.

// Create an instance of [ListObserverController]
ListObserverController controller = ListObserverController();

// Pass the controller instance to the 'controller' parameter of 'ListViewObserver'
  controller: controller,

// Trigger an observation manually.

Method 2: Specify BuildContext for Sliver

Relatively complex to use, the scope of application is small, there are more than one Sliver is possible to use this method

Detailed instructions
BuildContext? _sliverListViewContext;

Create a ListView and record BuildContext in its builder callback

ListView _buildListView() {
  return ListView.separated(
    itemBuilder: (ctx, index) {
      if (_sliverListViewContext != ctx) {
        _sliverListViewContext = ctx;

Create ListViewObserver

  child: _buildListView(),
  sliverListContexts: () {
    return [if (_sliverListViewContext != null) _sliverListViewContext!];
  onObserve: (resultMap) {
    final model = resultMap[_sliverListViewContext];
    if (model == null) return;

    // Prints the first child widget index that is currently being displayed
    print('firstChild.index -- ${model.firstChild?.index}');

    // Prints the index of all child widgets those are currently being displayed
    print('displaying -- ${model.displayingChildIndexList}');

By default, ListView relevant data will only be observed when scrolling.

If needed, you can use ListViewOnceObserveNotification triggered an observation manually.


2、Scrolling to the specified index location

It should be used with the scrollView's cacheExtent property. Assigning an appropriate value to it can avoid unnecessary page turning. The recommendations are as follows:

  • If child widgets are fixed height in scrollView, use isFixedHeight instead of cacheExtent.
  • For scrollView such as detail page, it is recommended to set cacheExtent to double.maxFinite.
  • If child widgets are dynamic height in scrollView, it is recommended that setting cacheExtent to a large and reasonable value depending on your situation.

2.1、Basic usage

Create and use instance of ScrollController normally.

ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController();

ListView _buildListView() {
  return ListView.separated(
    controller: scrollController,

Create an instance of ListObserverController pass it to ListViewObserver

ListObserverController observerController = ListObserverController(controller: scrollController);

  controller: observerController,
  child: _buildListView(),

Now you can scroll to the specified index position

// Jump to the specified index position without animation.
observerController.jumpTo(index: 1)

// Jump to the specified index position with animation.
  index: 1,
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
  curve: Curves.ease,

2.2、Parameter isFixedHeight

If the height of a list child widget is fixed, it is recommended to use the 'isFixedHeight' parameter to improve performance.

⚠ Currently only ListView or SliverList is supported.

// Jump to the specified index position without animation.
observerController.jumpTo(index: 150, isFixedHeight: true)

// Jump to the specified index position with animation.
  index: 150, 
  isFixedHeight: true
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
  curve: Curves.ease,

If you use CustomScrollView and its slivers contain SliverList and SliverGrid, this is also supported, but you need to use SliverViewObserver, and pass the corresponding BuildContext to distinguish the corresponding Sliver when calling the scroll method.

  controller: observerController,
  child: CustomScrollView(
    controller: scrollController,
    slivers: [
  sliverListContexts: () {
    return [
      if (_sliverViewCtx1 != null) _sliverViewCtx1!,
      if (_sliverViewCtx2 != null) _sliverViewCtx2!,
  sliverContext: _sliverViewCtx2, // _sliverViewCtx1
  index: 10,
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
  curve: Curves.easeInOut,

2.3、Parameter offset

Used to set the whole scrollView offset when scrolling to a specified index.

For example, in the scene with SliverAppBar, its height will change with the scrolling of ScrollView. After reaching a certain offset, it will be suspended on the top with a fixed height, and then we must pass this fixed height to the offset parameter.

  key: appBarKey,
  pinned: true,
  expandedHeight: 200,
  flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar(
    title: const Text('AppBar'),
    background: Container(color: Colors.orange),
  offset: (offset) {
    // The height of the SliverAppBar is calculated base on target offset and is returned in the current callback.
    // The observerController internally adjusts the appropriate offset based on the return value.
    return ObserverUtils.calcPersistentHeaderExtent(
      key: appBarKey,
      offset: offset,

2.4、Parameter alignment

The alignment specifies the desired position for the leading edge of the child widget. It must be a value in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Such as:

  • alignment: 0 : Scrolling to the top position of the child widget.
  • alignment: 0.5 : Scrolling to the middle position of the child widget.
  • alignment: 1 : Scrolling to the tail position of the child widget.

2.5、Property cacheJumpIndexOffset

For performance reasons, ScrollController will caches the child's information by default when the listView jump or animate to the specified location, so that it can be used next time directly.

However, in scence where the height of child widget is always changing dynamically, this will cause unnecessary trouble, so you can turn this off by setting the cacheJumpIndexOffset property to false.

2.6、Method clearIndexOffsetCache

You can use the clearIndexOffsetCache method if you want to preserve the cache function of scrolling and only want to clear the cache in certain cases.

/// Clear the offset cache that jumping to a specified index location.
clearIndexOffsetCache(BuildContext? sliverContext) {

The parameter sliverContext needs to be passed only if you manage ScrollView's BuildContext by yourself.

2.7、Initial index location

  • Method 1: initialIndex

The simplest way to use, directly set the location index.

observerController = ListObserverController(controller: scrollController)
  ..initialIndex = 10;
  • Method 2: initialIndexModel

You can customize the configuration of the initial index position. See the end of this section for property descriptions.

observerController = ListObserverController(controller: scrollController)
  ..initialIndexModel = ObserverIndexPositionModel(
    index: 10,
    isFixedHeight = true,
    alignment = 0.5,
  • Method 3: initialIndexModelBlock

You need return ObserverIndexPositionModel object within the callback.

This method applies to some of scenarios those the parameters can't be determined from the start, such as sliverContext.

observerController = SliverObserverController(controller: scrollController)
  ..initialIndexModelBlock = () {
    return ObserverIndexPositionModel(
      index: 6,
      sliverContext: _sliverListCtx,
      offset: calcPersistentHeaderExtent,

The structure of ObserverIndexPositionModel :

  required this.index,
  this.isFixedHeight = false,
  this.alignment = 0,
Property Type Desc
index int The index of child widget.
sliverContext BuildContext The target sliver [BuildContext].
isFixedHeight bool If the height of the child widget and the height of the separator are fixed, please pass true to this property. Defaults to false
alignment double The alignment specifies the desired position for the leading edge of the child widget. It must be a value in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Defaults to 1.0
offset double Function(double targetOffset) Use this property when locating position needs an offset.

3、Chat Observer

3.1、Basic usage

We only need three steps to implement the chat session page effect.

  • 1、All chat data are displayed at the top of the listView when there is less than one screen of chat data.
  • 2、When inserting a chat data
    • If the latest message is close to the bottom of the list, the listView will be pushed up.
    • Otherwise, the listView will be fixed to the current chat location.

Step 1: Initialize the necessary ListObserverController and ChatScrollObserver.

/// Initialize ListObserverController
observerController = ListObserverController(controller: scrollController)
  ..cacheJumpIndexOffset = false;

/// Initialize ChatScrollObserver
chatObserver = ChatScrollObserver(observerController)
  // Greater than this offset will be fixed to the current chat location.
  ..fixedPositionOffset = 5
  ..toRebuildScrollViewCallback = () {
    // Here you can use other way to rebuild the specified listView instead of [setState]
    setState(() {});

Step 2: Configure ListView as follows and wrap it with ListViewObserver.

Widget _buildListView() {
  Widget resultWidget = ListView.builder(
    physics: ChatObserverClampinScrollPhysics(observer: chatObserver),
    shrinkWrap: chatObserver.isShrinkWrap,
    reverse: true,
    controller: scrollController,

  resultWidget = ListViewObserver(
    controller: observerController,
    child: resultWidget,
  return resultWidget;

Step 3: Call the [standby] method of ChatScrollObserver before inserting or removing chat data.

onPressed: () {
  setState(() {
    chatModels.insert(0, ChatDataHelper.createChatModel());
onRemove: () {
  chatObserver.standby(isRemove: true);
  setState(() {

3.2、The result callback for processing chat location.

chatObserver = ChatScrollObserver(observerController)
  ..onHandlePositionCallback = (type) {
    switch (type) {
      case ChatScrollObserverHandlePositionType.keepPosition:
        // Keep the current chat location.
        // updateUnreadMsgCount();
      case ChatScrollObserverHandlePositionType.none:
        // Do nothing about the chat location.
        // updateUnreadMsgCount(isReset: true);

This callback is mainly used to display the unread bubbles of new messages when adding chat messages.

4、Model Property


The base class of the observing data.

Property Type Desc
sliver RenderSliver The target sliver.
visible bool Whether this sliver should be painted.
displayingChildIndexList List<int> Stores index list for children widgets those are displaying.
axis Axis The axis of sliver.
scrollOffset double The scroll offset of sliver.


A special observing models which inherits from the ObserveModel for ListView and SliverList.

Property Type Desc
sliver RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor The target sliverList.
firstChild ListViewObserveDisplayingChildModel The observing data of the first child widget that is displaying.
displayingChildModelList List<ListViewObserveDisplayingChildModel> Stores observing model list of displaying children widgets.


A special observing models which inherits from the ObserveModel for GridView and SliverGrid.

Property Type Desc
sliverGrid RenderSliverGrid The target sliverGrid.
firstGroupChildList List<GridViewObserveDisplayingChildModel> The observing datas of first group displaying child widgets.
displayingChildModelList List<GridViewObserveDisplayingChildModel> Stores observing model list of displaying children widgets.


Data information about the child widget that is currently being displayed.

Property Type Desc
sliver RenderSliver The target sliverList.
index int The index of child widget.
renderObject RenderBox The renderObject [RenderBox] of child widget.


The currently displayed child widgets data information, is for ObserveDisplayingChildModel supplement.

Property Type Desc
axis Axis The axis of sliver.
size Size The size of child widget.
mainAxisSize double The size of child widget on the main axis.
scrollOffset double The scroll offset of sliver.
layoutOffset double The layout offset of child widget.
leadingMarginToViewport double The margin from the top of the child widget to the viewport.
trailingMarginToViewport double The margin from the bottom of the child widget to the viewport.
displayPercentage double The display percentage of the current widget.


1、ListView / SliverList

2、GridView / SliverGrid



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