Bad Piano

A polyphonic piano with multiple instruments.

  • Requires keyboard
  • Pick from six instruments: epiano, harpsi, jazzy, midc, organ, piano
  • midc is a sine wave at 261.6256Hz - "middle c"
  • Press left/right arrows to select a new instrument
  • Play notes with the following keys:
  [2] [3]     [5] [6] [7]
[Q] [W] [E] [R] [T] [Y] [U]
  • Up to four notes can be played simultaneously

Build Instructions

A Go script assembles a .p8 file from the Lua code and encodes the samples as strings. Execute go run mkcart to build the badpiano.p8 file, then copy it into your cart folder.


  • It doesn't sound all that great.
  • It can't be compressed into a cart because the instruments are too large.