
Records in gitbook

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  • Github pages will automatically update the contents in gh-pages.
  • Gitee pages require manual updates.

[!COMMENT|label: Usage]

  1. File structure Run the following two commands in the same root folder.
    git clone git@github.com:xinntao/records.git
    git clone -b gh-pages git@github.com:xinntao/records.git records-gh-pages
    The file structure should be like this:
    - root
    |--- records
    |--- records-gh-pages
    Note that in order to trigger the GitHub actions, we should also copy the .github folder to the records-gh-pages branch for the fist time.
  2. Update the master branch in the records folder.
  3. Build the gitbook: gitbook build
  4. In the records repo, copy the contents in _book folder to records-gh-pages: cp -r _book/* ../records-gh-pages
  5. Push to remotes:
    • For records: git push origin master
    • For records-gh-pages: git push origin gh-pages