
1.16.5 Fabric Hitboxes

Primary LanguageJava

🔌 FabricHits

1.16.5 Fabric Hitboxes

⚡ How to configure?

  • Change Size
  • Watermark
  • Easily To Configure

I - Reduce The Size Of Hitboxes
K - Add Size To Hitboxes
P - Turn ON Panic

Tutorial: Click (in Russian)

❓ How it Works?

    @Inject(at = @At("HEAD"), method = "renderEntity", cancellable = true)
    private void renderEntity(Entity entity, double tf, double tf1, double tf2, float tf3, MatrixStack matrixStack,
                              VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumerProvider, CallbackInfo ci) {
        if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
            if (entity != MinecraftClient.getInstance().player) {
                entity.setBoundingBox(new Box(
                        entity.getX() - (config.isPanic() ? 0.3F : config.getSize()),
                        entity.getZ() - (config.isPanic() ? 0.3F : config.getSize()),
                        entity.getX() + (config.isPanic() ? 0.3F : config.getSize()),
                        entity.getZ() + (config.isPanic() ? 0.3F : config.getSize())