
InferredBugs: a metadata-rich dataset of bugs and fixes in Java and C# programming languages extracted with the Infer static analyzer

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InferredBugs is a metadata-rich dataset of bugs and fixes in Java and C# programming languages extracted with the Infer static analyzer tool. The dataset has been constructed by systematically analyzing open-source repositories, scrutinizing each commit to identify the inception and resolution of bugs.

This dataset served as the foundational corpus for training the InferFix model, as detailed in the ESEC/FSE paper titled "InferFix: End-to-End Program Repair with LLMs".

This dataset encompasses comprehensive metadata for each identified bug, making it an invaluable resource for advancing research in the field of Automated Program Repair. Additionally, it facilitates large-scale empirical analyses on bugs, empowering researchers to glean insights and advance the understanding of software defects and their resolutions.

Dataset Structure

The InferredBugs dataset is meticulously organized by programming language, with distinct folders for java and csharp located in the root directory. The structure of each language-specific folder is as follows:

  • <repository>: Name of the repository subjected to analysis.
    • <bug_id>: Bug identifier for the given repository.
      • bug.json: Metadata associated with the bug, meticulously extracted by Infer. This file includes rich information such as bug_type, severity, and localization details.
      • commit_info.json: Metadata associated with the commit that rectified the bug. It encompasses essential information like hash and message.
      • file_before.txt: The content of the file before the bug fix.
      • file_after.txt: The content of the file after the bug fix.
      • method_before.txt: The content of the buggy method before the fix.
      • method_after.txt: The content of the method after the fix.


    title={InferFix: End-to-End Program Repair with LLMs},
    author={Matthew Jin, Syed Shahriar, Michele Tufano, Xin Shi, Shuai Lu, Neel Sundaresan, and Alexey Svyatkovskiy},
    booktitle={2023 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023)},


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