
Complex Number Math Library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Complex Number Math Library

An complex number math library that works in both web js and Node.js.

How to use in HTML

  1. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.

  2. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/prec-math/releases and download the latest release.

  3. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/cmpl-math/releases and download the latest release.

  4. Extract tools.js from the first download, prec-math.js from the second, and cmpl-math.js from the third into your project directory.

  5. Add

    <script src="tools.js"></script>
    <script src="prec-math.js"></script>
    <script src="cmpl-math.js"></script>

    to your html file.

  6. Run $.al(C.mul(C.num("326083431910576", "53943061760287"), C.num("2176454902834", "756240659123"))) to make sure it works. (Should output ["668911947533997805551324083", "364002190719197789019538206"])

See http://xinxinw1.github.io/cmpl-math/ for a demo.

How to use in Node.js

  1. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.
  2. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/prec-math/releases and download the latest release.
  3. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/cmpl-math/releases and download the latest release.
  4. Extract tools.js from the first download, prec-math.js from the second, and cmpl-math.js from the third into your project directory.
  5. Run $ = require("./tools.js") in node.
  6. Run R = require("./prec-math.js") in node
  7. Run C = require("./cmpl-math.js") in node
  8. Run $.prn(C.mul(C.num("326083431910576", "53943061760287"), C.num("2176454902834", "756240659123"))) to make sure it works. (Should output ["668911947533997805551324083", "364002190719197789019538206"] and return undefined)

Function reference

Note: There are a couple of functions that exist, but haven't been
  documented yet

Note 2: These are all accessed by C.<insert name>

Note 3: To set the default precision, see the reference for

Conventions: z and w are always regular complex numbers like ["3.4", "-1"],
  x and y are real numbers like "4.5" and "-234", n is always a real integer 
  like "5", and p is always a js integer like 456

### Complex number functions

#### Converters

gprec(p)          get current precision
sprec(p)          set current precision
cmpl(z)           ensure z is a proper complex number (could have been a real
                    number like "3.5", or an array like ["0003", "4.0000"]);
                    returns false if z is not a proper number
cmplreal(z)       ensure z is a real number in complex number form
                    (eg. ["345", "0"])
real(a)           same as R.real(a) but can handle ["3.453", "0"]
realint(a)        same as R.realint(a) but can handle ["3", "0"]

#### Validators

vldp(z)           is z a valid complex number

#### [a, b] functions

num(a, b)         create a complex number with real part a and imaginary
                    part b; currently makes an array [a, b];
                    internally called as N(a, b)
getA(z)           get the real part of z; internally A(z)
getB(z)           get the imaginary part of z; internally B(z)
dsp(z)            display z in the conventional a+bi form

#### Canonicalizers

trim(z)           Run R.trim on both parts of z

#### is... functions

realp(z)          B(z) == "0"
intpc(z)          is z an integer in complex number form; (eg. ["53", "0"])

#### Basic operation functions

add(z, w, p)      add two complex numbers; if p is given, round to p
                    decimals; note that p must be a js integer
sub(z, w, p)      subtract
mul(z, w, p)      multiply
div(z, w, p)      divide

#### Rounding functions

rnd(z, p)         round both real and imaginary parts of z to p decimals
cei(z, p)         ceiling
flr(z, p)         floor
trn(z, p)         truncate

round(z, p)       aliases of the functions above
ceil(z, p)
floor(z, p)
trunc(z, p)

#### Extended operation functions

exp(z, p)         exponential function
ln(z, p)          principal natural log (defined as ln(abs(z))+arg(z)*i)
pow(z, w, p)      principal z^w (defined as exp(w*ln(z)))
root(n, z, p)     nth root of z; if z is real and n is odd, return real root;
                    n must be a real number like "5"
sqrt(z, p)        square root of z
cbrt(z, p)        cube root of z

fact(x, p)        factorial of x; currently x must be an integer like "34";
                    returns answer in complex number form
bin(x, y, p)      binomial coefficient
agm(x, y, p)      arithmetic geometric mean; x and y must be real

sin(z, p)         complex sine of z
cos(z, p)         complex cosine
sinh(z, p)        hyperbolic sine
cosh(z, p)        hyperbolic cosine

#### Other operation functions

abs(z, p)         absolute value of z
arg(z, p)         principal argument of z; angle in the complex plane
sgn(z, p)         complex signum (defined as z/abs(z), z != 0; 0, z == 0)
re(z)             real part of z; returns answer in complex number form
im(z)             imaginary part of z
conj(z)           conjugate of z

#### Mathematical constants

pi(p)             N(R.pi(p), "0"); get pi in complex number form
e(p)              Euler's number
phi(p)            the golden ratio
ln2(p)            ln(2)
ln5(p)            ln(5)
ln10(p)           ln(10)