
Math Executing Library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Math Executing Library

This library makes it easy to calculate math expressions such as "343*(34i-45)^3i". It works in both web js and Node.js

How to use in HTML

  1. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.

  2. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/prec-math/releases and download the latest release.

  3. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/cmpl-math/releases and download the latest release.

  4. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-check/releases and download the latest release.

  5. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-parse/releases and download the latest release.

  6. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-exec/releases and download the latest release.

  7. Extract tools.js, prec-math.js, cmpl-math.js, math-check.js, math-parse.js, and math-exec.js into your project directory.

  8. Add

    <script src="tools.js"></script>
    <script src="prec-math.js"></script>
    <script src="cmpl-math.js"></script>
    <script src="math-check.js"></script>
    <script src="math-parse.js"></script>
    <script src="math-exec.js"></script>

    to your html file.

  9. Run $.al(PMath.calc("-(53*3-2/(4i))+((34+53i)/(23-34i))*(-i)")) to make sure it works.
    (Should output -157.5905044510385757+0.1053412462908012i)

See http://xinxinw1.github.io/math-exec/ for a demo.

How to use in Node.js

  1. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.
  2. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/prec-math/releases and download the latest release.
  3. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/cmpl-math/releases and download the latest release.
  4. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-check/releases and download the latest release.
  5. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-parse/releases and download the latest release.
  6. Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-exec/releases and download the latest release.
  7. Extract tools.js, prec-math.js, cmpl-math.js, math-check.js, math-parse.js, and math-exec.js into your project directory.
  8. Run $ = require("./tools.js") in node.
  9. Run R = require("./prec-math.js") in node.
  10. Run C = require("./cmpl-math.js") in node.
  11. Run Checker = require("./math-check.js") in node.
  12. Run Parser = require("./math-parse.js") in node.
  13. Run PMath = require("./math-exec.js") in node.
  14. Run $.prn(PMath.calc("-(53*3-2/(4i))+((34+53i)/(23-34i))*(-i)")) to make sure it works.
    (Should output -157.5905044510385757+0.1053412462908012i and return undefined)

Function reference

Note: These are all accessed by PMath.<insert name>

### Evaluator

vars(a)           process all setting and unsetting of variables in the
                    lisp-like array; should be run before evl(a)
evl(a)            evaluate the lisp-array by dispatching to math functions
calc(a)           takes a math expression string (ex. "x = 35*43i/86") as input
                    and sends that through Parser.prs, vars, evl, and C.dsp
                    and returns a new math expression string (ex. "17.5i")

### Logging

logfn(f)          add a logging callback; takes a function(subj, data);
                    use this to get the intermediate results from calc(a)
rlogfn(f)         remove a logging callback