Testing Github Features
Testing detatch
Test ++++
Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.
Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/prec-math/releases and download the latest release.
Optionally, if you want complex number functions, go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/cmpl-math/releases and download the latest release.
Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-check/releases and download the latest release.
from the first download,prec-math.js
from the second, andcmpl-math.js
from the third, andmath-check.js
from the fourth into your project directory. -
<script src="tools.js"></script> <script src="prec-math.js"></script> <script src="cmpl-math.js"></script> <!-- if you want complex numbers --> <script src="math-check.js"></script>
to your html file.
$.al(Checker.proc(R.mul)(2534, 5253))
to make sure it works.
(Should output13311102
) -
If you are using complex numbers, run
$.al(Checker.proc(C.mul)(2534, "5253"))
to make sure it works.
(Should output["13311102", "0"]
See http://xinxinw1.github.io/math-check/ for a demo.
- Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.
- Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/prec-math/releases and download the latest release.
- Optionally, if you want complex number functions, go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/cmpl-math/releases and download the latest release.
- Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/math-check/releases and download the latest release.
- Extract
from the first download,prec-math.js
from the second, andcmpl-math.js
from the third, andmath-check.js
from the fourth into your project directory. - Run
$ = require("./tools.js")
in node. - Run
R = require("./prec-math.js")
in node - If you want complex numbers, run
C = require("./cmpl-math.js")
in node - Run
Checker = require("./math-check.js")
in node. - Run
$.prn(Checker.proc(R.mul)(2534, 5253))
to make sure it works.
(Should output13311102
and returnundefined
) - If you are using complex numbers, run
$.prn(Checker.proc(C.mul)(2534, "5253"))
to make sure it works.
(Should output["13311102", "0"]
and returnundefined
Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the latest release.
Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/ajax/releases and download the latest release.
from the first download andajax.js
from the second download into your project directory. -
<script src="tools.js"></script> <script src="ajax.js"></script>
to your html file.
to make sure it works.
See http://xinxinw1.github.io/ajax/ for a demo.
This is a huge set of tools functions for doing common tasks like getting the length of an item, getting a slice of an item, replacing x with y in a, etc. This module works in both web js and Node.js.
- Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the zip of the latest release.
- Extract
to your project directory. - Add
<script src="tools.js"></script>
to your html file. - Run
$.al("Hello World! | Array: $1 | String: $2 | Object: $3", [1, 2, 3], "hey", {a: 3, b: "test", c: [3, 4, 5]});
to make sure it works.
See http://xinxinw1.github.io/tools/ for an example.
- Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/tools/releases and download the zip of the latest release.
- Extract
to your project directory. - Run
$ = require("./tools.js")
in node - Run
$.prn("Hello World! | Array: $1 | String: $2 | Object: $3", [1, 2, 3], "hey", {a: 3, b: "test", c: [3, 4, 5]});
to make sure it works.
Note: This is an incomplete reference, so some functions exist, but aren't documented yet
Note 2: These are all accessed by $.<insert name>
win window
doc window.document
inf Infinity
### Type
cls(a) Object.prototype.toString.call(a);
typ(a) a short type name for a
### Predicates
nump(a) is a a number,
strp(a) string,
arrp(a) array,
irrp(a) immutable array,
fnp(a) function,
objp(a) object,
rgxp(a) regex,
bolp(a) boolean,
trup(a) true,
falp(a) false,
htmp(a) an html element,
docp(a) an html document,
winp(a) an html window,
txtp(a) an html text node,
errp(a) a $.Err object
udfp(a) undefined,
nulp(a) or null
### Comparison
is(a, b) a === b;
iso(a, b) is(a, b) or a and b have the same elements
inp(a, ...x) is a one of x
### Dynamic vars
sta(a, x, f) a = [x, a]; f(); a = a[1]; dynamically stack x onto a
### Display
dsp(a) formats a for printing
### Output
out(a) console.log(a);
prn(a, ...args) out(apl(stf, arguments)); (see below for apl and stf)
alr(a) win.alert(a);
al(a, ...args) alr(apl(stf, arguments));
### Converters
num(a) Number(a)
tint(a, rdx) converts a to an int using radix rdx (default 10)
tflt(a) parseFloat(a)
str(...a) joins arguments into a string
tarr(a) converts a to an array
tfn(a) makes a function that tests whether the input is === a
tobj(a) converts a to an object
htm(a) converts a to an html element
### Sequence
#### Items
ref(a, i) get the ith element of a
ref(a, ...args) run ref(a, i) on each element of args
fst(a) get first element of a
las(a) get last element of a
#### Apply
apl(f, a) f.apply(this, a);
map(x, a) map function x over a
pos(x, a, n) get the position of x in a starting at n (n = 0 by default)
pol(x, a, n) pos starting from end of a
has(x, a) does a have x in it?
mny(x, a) does a have more than 1 x in it?
all(x, a) each item in a is x?
keep(x, a) copy a with non x's removed
rem(x, a) copy a with x removed (cut)
remf(x, a) copy a with x removed from front of a
rpl(x, y, a) copy a with x replaced with y
mat(x, a) get the first match of function or regex x in a
mats(x, a) get all the matches of function or regex x in a
cnt(x, a) count the number of times x occurs in a
#### Whole
len(a) get length of a
emp(a) is a empty
cpy(a) copy a
cln(a) deep copy
rev(a) copy a with items reversed
#### Parts
sli(a, n, m) get slice of a from n (inclusive)
to m (not inclusive)
fstn(n, a) first n items in a
lasn(n, a) last n
rstn(n, a) sli(a, n)
rst(a) sli(a, 1)
butn(n, a) get all except for the last n items
but(a) butn(1, a)
#### Group
spl(a, x) split a by x
grp(a, n) group a into groups of n
tup(...a) generalized pair
#### Join
joi(a, x) join array a into a string with x between
every two elements (default x = "")
fla(a, x) flattens the 2 (or more) d array a with x
between every two elements
fla(a) flattens the 2 (or more) d array
app(...a) appends all its arguments together
nof(n, a) append a to itself n times
#### Fold / Reduce
fold(f, x, a) fold(function (a, x){return a+x;}, 0, [1, 2, 3])
-> (((0+1)+2)+3)
fold(f, a) fold(function (a, x){return a+x;}, [1, 2, 3])
-> ((1+2)+3)
foldr(f, x, a) foldr(function (x, a){return x+a;}, 0, [1, 2, 3])
-> (1+(2+(3+0)))
foldr(f, a) analogous to fold(f, a)
#### Array
hea(a, x) copy array a with length+1 and make the first
element x
tai(a, x) copy with length+1 and set last element to x
### Imperative
A number of modifying versions of the functional functions earlier
See source code for details
#### Array
psh(x, a) a.push(x)
pop(a) a.pop()
ush(x, a) a.unshift(x)
shf(a) a.shift()
#### Other
att(x, a) attach x to a; add elements of x to end of a
### Object and alist
keys(a) get keys of object a
vals(a) get vals of object a
okey(a) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a)
oval(a) get values using okey(a)
aref(a, x) get item x from association list a
aset(a, x, y) set x to y in alist a
adel(a, x) delete x from alist a
ohas(a, x) a.hasOwnProperty(x)
oput(a, x, y) a[x] = y
orem(a, x) delete a[x] and return old a[x]
oref(a, x) get x in a; if a[0] is an object, looks there recursively
oset(a, x, y) set x to y in a; if x isn't in a, recursively set x in a[0]
osetp(a, x) oref(a, x) !== udf
odel(a, x) shadow a[x] with undefined; return old a[x]
oren(a, x, y) rename x to y in a
### String
low(a) a.toLowerCase()
upp(a) a.toUpperCase()
stf(a, ...args) string fill; replaces every occurence of "$1" with
dsp() of the 1st item in args and similarly for
the rest of the args
### Function
sig(a) get the "signature" of function a; $.sig($.sig) -> "sig(a)"
prms(a) get parameters of function a; $.prms($.map) -> ["x", "a"]
### List
A few simple Lisp functions to implement $.sta()
See source code for details
### DOM
$(a) doc.getElementById(a)
elm(a, o, ...c) make html element with tag name a, attributes o, and
children c
txt(a) doc.createTextNode(a)
top(a) scroll to the top of a
bot(a) scroll to the bottom of a
### File
rea(a) gets the contents of the file a as a string
lns(a) gets the lines of the file a as an array
wri(x, a) writes x to a
### Regex
cap(x, a) return first capturing group from finding x in a
caps(x, a) return all capturing groups
### Time
tim() get current time in milliseconds after unix epoch
### Speed tests
spd(a, b, n) alert the time it takes to run a n times and to run b n times
### Debug
cnts(a) count the number of times each element in a occurs
### Error
err(f, a, ...x) returns an error formatted with stf(a, ...x)
### Other
rnd(min, max) random number from min to max inclusive
Uses GNU coreutils factor and readline to quickly and easily factor large numbers.
- Go to https://github.com/xinxinw1/ruby-factor/releases and download the latest release.
- Extract
to any directory. - Open a shell and cd to that directory.
- Run
$ ruby factor.rb
If you type in any positive integer (ex. 10276938564540) and press enter, you'll get a readable version of its factors. The factors will be separated by "*" which represents multiplication and "^" which means exponentiation.
If the number is prime, you will just get the original number back.
If you type in many positive integers separated by "+" (ex. 190890 + 63252 + 44226) and press enter, you'll get two lines: The first one factors out the greatest common divisor (gcd) from the numbers, and the second line factors all of the numbers.
All spaces in the input are ignored.
You can press the up and down keys to go to previous inputs.
Press Ctrl+C during a calculation to cancel it without exiting.
Type "exit" or "quit" or press Ctrl+C at ">" to exit.
A huge number (2^200 - 1)
Powers of 2
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512
Frank Nelson Cole's famous number
2^2048 (Watch this calculate instantly)