
Experiment for the paper published on TrustNLP: "Make Text Unlearnable: Exploiting Effective Patterns to Protect Personal Data""

Primary LanguagePython

Downloading data

$ mkdir ../data/
$ cd ../data
$ wget https://allennlp.s3.amazonaws.com/datasets/squad/squad-train-v1.1.json
$ wget -O du-test-v1.1.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomhosking/squad-du-split/master/test-v1.1.json
$ wget -O du-dev-v1.1.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomhosking/squad-du-split/master/dev-v1.1.json

We hardcode the data folder and dataset names in the JSON files (Entries name: train_data_path, validation_data_path, test_data_path) in config folder. You can change them according to your preference.

Applying Unlernable Texts

We save the error-min modifications and unlearnable training sets in outputs folder. Run apply_modifications.py to apply generated modifications on the original data and save the modifed data into output folder, e.g.,

python apply_modifications.py --task sst2 --model_name lstm --mod_file_name modifications_30

This would save train_modifications_30.json into outputs/sst2/lstm/

Training on Unlearnable Texts

For SST2

python train_allennlp_models.py                                  \
                    --task sst2                                  \
                    --model_name lstm                            \
                    --serialization_dir ../models/sst2           \
                    --modified_train_path outputs/sst2/lstm/train_modifications_30.json   


  • instead of using --modified_train_path from command line, you specify it as the argument for dataset_reader.modification_path entry in the config file: unlearnable_transformer_qa.jsonnet
python train_allennlp_models.py                                     \
                    --task squad                                    \
                    --model_name unlearnable_transformer_qa         \
                    --serialization_dir ../models/squad            

(Optional) Generating Unlearnable Text

If you want to generate error-min modifications for new models or new datasets. You can follow the instructions:

For SST2 and AG-News

  • add a configuration file into the config folder. You can refer to AllenNLP documents for how to do that.
  • run generate_error_min_modifications.py to get a file in the output folder, which records operations about how to modify the original data, e.g.,
python generate_error_min_modifications.py                            \
                    --task sst2                                       \
                    --model_name lstm                                 \
                    --serialization_dir outputs/sst2/lstm/            \
                    --num_train_steps_per_perturbation 30             \
                    --cuda_device 0

Note: If you want to generate modifications for SST2, please use parse_sst_data.py to parse tree-like file into JSON file with normal string texts. (because we want to consistently use allennlp_extra.data.dataset_readers.ClassificationFromJson to read classification data.)

Note: If you use different tokenizers in generate_error_min_modifications.py and apply_modifications.py, it would cause incorrect unlearnable texts due to tokenization mismatch. But as long as you use provided configuration files, it should not have any problem.


  • To generate min-min modifications for SQuAD, run generate_error_min_modifications_for_squad/generate_error_min_modifications_squad.py, which will output a JSON file into outputs.squad/bidaf_glove.


    title = "Make Text Unlearnable: Exploiting Effective Patterns to Protect Personal Data",
    author = "Li, Xinzhe  and
      Liu, Ming",
    editor = "Ovalle, Anaelia  and
      Chang, Kai-Wei  and
      Mehrabi, Ninareh  and
      Pruksachatkun, Yada  and
      Galystan, Aram  and
      Dhamala, Jwala  and
      Verma, Apurv  and
      Cao, Trista  and
      Kumar, Anoop  and
      Gupta, Rahul",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (TrustNLP 2023)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.trustnlp-1.22",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2023.trustnlp-1.22",
    pages = "249--259",