
A MATLAB wrapper around the Perple_X mineral physics software package for calculating phase equilibria and physical properties in the Earth.

Primary LanguagePostScript

Simple_X: A MATLAB wrapper for Perple_X

A simplified MATLAB wrapper around the Perple_X mineral physics software package for calculating phase equilibria and physical properties in the Earth.

Joshua B. Russell

This wrapper is extremely limited in its capabilities and was built for the specific purpose of calculating seismic velocities (Vp, Vs) and density along desired geotherms. Simply input bulk composition, components of interest (and undesired endmembers, if any), and a temperature and pressure range over which to calculate the phase diagram. A P-T path is calculated assuming half-space cooling and used to extract physical properties from 2-D grid of (P,T,Z) values.

Although Perple_X includes thermodynamic parameters and solutions from many different studies, this wrapper has only been tested using the data and solution files from Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2011) (stx11ver.dat, stx11_solution_model.dat).

The MATALB scripts are meant to be executed in alphanumeric order:

  • a1_run_Perple_X.m
  • a2_plot_XYZ.m
  • b1_run_Perple_X_PTmodes.m
  • b2_plot_modes.m
  • c1_plot_veloc_phases.m

Version info

The codes were tested using Mac-OS-X 10.12.2

Data files: Perple_X_6.8.7_data_files.zip

Executables: Perple_X_6.8.7_OSX_O1_optimization_Intel64_core2duo_JS_Oct_22_2019.zip


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