
codes for the paper "Matrix Encoding Networks for Neural Combinatorial Optimization"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository provides a reference implementation of MatNet and saved trained models as described in the paper:

Matrix Encoding Networks for Neural Combinatorial Optimization
(NeurIPS 2021, accepted)

The code is written using Pytorch.

Getting Started

We provide codes for two CO (combinatorial optimization) problems:

  • Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP)
  • Flexible Flow Shop Problem (FFSP)

Basic Usage

For both ATSP_MatNet and FFSP_MatNet,

i. To train a model,

python3 train.py

train.py contains parameters you can modify.
At the moment, it is set to train N=20 problems.

ii. To test a model,

python3  test.py

You can specify the model as a parameter contained in test.py.
At the moment, it is set to use the saved model (N=20) we have provided (in "result" folder), but you can easily use the one you have trained from running train.py.

To test for the N=50 model, make sure that saved problem files exist in the path (see below for Datasets). Also, modify test.py so that

  • all "20"'s are changed to "50"
  • "path" and "epoch" in the "tester_params" are correctly pointing to the saved model
  • test batch size is decreased (by a factor of something like 4)

Saved Trained Models

Trained models for ATSP are provided with the codes.
However, the sizes of the trained model files for FFSP-MatNet are too large to upload here. So we provide them as links below.


Test datasets for larger N (N=50, N=100) problems are given as links below.
Download the dataset and add them to the "data" directories under ATSP and FFSP folders.

Used Libraries

python v3.7.6