
Suggest code reviewers based on git history.

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Suggest code reviewers based on git history.


Code review is good, but deciding who should review your code is hard. We have a complete view of history performantly available in git, so we should be able to use that to generate semi-reasonable suggestions.


[$]> curl -s https://raw.github.com/xiongchiamiov/git-suggest-reviewers/master/git-suggest-reviewers > ~/bin/git-suggest-reviewers
[$]> chmod +x ~/bin/git-suggest-reviewers


    git-suggest-reviewers [options] [<file>...]

    -h --help     Show this screen.
    -v --version  Display program version.

    <file>  A file whose history will be used to generate reviewers.  If none
            specified, all files will be used.


On reddit/reddit:

[$]> git suggest-reviewers
  45 Brian Simpson
  19 umbrae
  12 xiongchiamiov
   7 Neil Williams
   5 Jordan Milne
   4 Keith Mitchell
   3 Robert Ditthardt
   2 Chad Birch
   1 powerlanguage
   1 Jack Lawson
   1 Jack Kingsman
[$]> git suggest-reviewers README.md
   3 Max Goodman
   1 Jason Harvey
[$]> git suggest-reviewers README.md LICENSE
   3 Max Goodman
   2 Neil Williams
   1 spez
   1 Seth Woodworth
   1 KeyserSosa
   1 Jason Harvey