Write a test file like this. Maybe call it test/test.t
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source test/more.bash
plan tests 10
ok $? 'some-command is ok'
# or:
ok "`some-command`" 'some-command is ok'
pass 'This will always pass'
fail 'This will always fail'
is `echo foo` 'foo' 'foo is foo'
isnt foo bar "foo isn't bar"
like food foo 'food is like foo'
unlike team I "There's no 'I' in 'team'"
diag "A message for stderr"
note "A message for stdout"
Run the test with prove
like this:
prove test/test.t
Prove knows it's Bash from the first line (the hashbang), and it just works.
Test::More is the tried and true testing library for Perl. It uses TAP (the Test Anything Protocol). This is the same thing for Bash. For the most part it should work exactly the same.
This is the basic usage:
plan tests $count
ok $status_code "$label"
pass "$label"
fail "$label"
is "$got" "$want" "label"
isnt "$got" "$unwanted" "$label"
like "$got" "$regex" "$label"
unlike "$got" "$regex" "$label"
diag "$message"
note "$message"
done_testing $count
plan skip_all "$reason"
BAIL_OUT "$reason"
More detailed info coming soon.
Written by Ingy döt Net ingy@bpan.org
Copyright 2013 Ingy döt Net