
Telegram Private Message Chat Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


English | 简体中文

This is a chatbot that allows users to have private conversations with you on Telegram. It is easy to set up and can be customized to suit your needs.

Note: This project is currently being updated in the developer's free time. If you do not mind using .NET, you may want to consider using pmcenter instead.



  • Create a Telegram bot and get its token
  • Install Python and pip
  • Use pip to install python-telegram-bot==13.15.0


Open config.json and configure

  • admin: admin ID (a numeric ID)
  • token: bot token
  • lang: language pack name (be careful, it should be 'en' or 'zh_cn' or 'zh_cn_moe')

Initial value

  "admin": 0,
  "token": "",
  "lang": "en"


  "admin": 5021485638,
  "token": "5775925834:AAHDw2Pt-7TeLEY4c6PjtJnbHiR4N1q8Dmk",
  "lang": "en"

If you didn't set admin's ID previously, the user who sends /setadmin to the bot first will become the admin. You can edit config.json to change admin later.

Run The Bot

Run the bot by executing the following command in the project directory

python main.py or python3 main.py


Reply to bot a message

Reply directly to the message forwarded by the robot to reply. You can reply text, sticker, photo, file, audio, voice and video.

Inquire sender identity

You can reply /info to the message which you want to get its sender's info more clearly.

Message sending notification

Send the command /notification to the bot to enable or disable the message sending notification


  • For admin: After replying to the user, if there is no error, it will not prompt "replied"
  • For users: After sending a message, the bot will not reply "received"

Ban and unban

Reply /ban to a message to block the sender of the message from sending messages to you

Reply /unban to a message or send /unban <User ID> to unban a user

Available commands

Command Usage
/start Start the bot
/help Show help message
/ping Check if the bot is running
/setadmin Set the current user as admin
/notification Toggle message sending notification status
/info Inquire sender identity
/ban Ban a user
/unban <User ID> Unban a user