
An example program to play around with kafka-rust

Primary LanguageRust

An example program to play around with kafka-rust:



    # monchan will print some timing information on debug level
    $ export RUST_LOG=monchan=debug

    # produce 100k small messages (to each available topic)
    $ ./target/release/monchan --brokers 'localhost:9092' produce

    # produce 100k small messages to each of the specified topics only
    $ ./target/release/monchan --brokers 'localhost:9092' --topics 'my-topic-1,my-topic-2' produce

    # consume a topic as fast as possible
    $ ./target/releease/monchan --brokers 'localhost:9092' --topics 'my-topic-1' consume

    # run a produce/consume test against a given topic
    ./target/release/monchan --compression=snappy --produce-msgs-per-topic 100 --produce-bytes-per-msg 10 --topics my-test-topic produce-consume-integration