
Template engine for Xitrum based on Scalate

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Xitrum allows you to choose template engines. This library is a template engine for Xitrum. It wraps Scalate.

See CHANGELOG to know which version of xitrum-scalate to use for which version of Xitrum.

Config your Xitrum project to use this template engine

Edit your Xitrum project's project/plugins.sbt:

// For precompiling Scalate templates in the compile phase of SBT
addSbtPlugin("org.scalatra.scalate" % "sbt-scalate-precompiler" % "")

Edit build.sbt:

// Template engine for Xitrum
libraryDependencies += "tv.cntt" %% "xitrum-scalate" % "2.9.2"

// Precompile Scalate templates
import org.fusesource.scalate.ScalatePlugin._
ScalateKeys.scalateTemplateConfig in Compile := Seq(TemplateConfig(
  baseDirectory.value / "src" / "main" / "scalate",
  Seq(Binding("helper", "xitrum.Action", importMembers = true))

Edit xitrum.conf:

xitrum {
  template {
    "xitrum.view.Scalate" {
      defaultType = jade  # jade, mustache, scaml, or ssp

"type" option

In xitrum.conf, you config "defaultType" (see above).

When calling Xitrum's renderView method, if you want to use template type other than the defaultType, set the last argument (options) like this:

renderView(Map("type" -> "mustache")

"date" option

If you don't specify DateFormat, java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, lo) will be used, where lo is java.util.Locale.forLanguageTag(currentAction.language).

renderView(Map("date" -> myDateFormat)

"number" option

If you don't specify NumberFormat, java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance(lo) will be used, where lo is java.util.Locale.forLanguageTag(currentAction.language).

renderView(Map("date" -> myNumberFormat)

If you want to display an integer number as is, without any number format, instead of (Jade example):

= myObject.myInt


= myObject.myInt.toString

Other utility methods

You can use methods [view and collection](http://scalate.github.io/scalate/documentation/user-guide.html#Views) of Scalate.

xitrum.view.Scalate provides some utility methods so that you can easily use Scalate features. See the API doc.


import xitrum.Config
import xitrum.view.Scalate

// In your action:
val scalate  = Config.xitrum.template.get.asInstanceOf[Scalate]
val template = "p This Jade template is from a string, not from a file."
val string   = scalate.renderJadeString(template)


To avoid unnecessary log, you should add these to config/logback.xml:

<logger name="org.fusesource.scalate" level="INFO"/>
<logger name="org.fusesource.scalate.util.ClassPathBuilder" level="ERROR"/>