Work in progress successor to react-native-addressbook.
- Preliminary iOS and Android support
- API subject to revision, changelog in release notes
Feature | iOS | Android |
getAll |
✔ | ✔ |
addContact |
✔ | 😞 |
updateContact |
✔ | 😞 |
deleteContact |
✔ | 😞 |
get with options | 😞 | 😞 |
groups | 😞 | 😞 |
(callback) - returns all contacts as an array of objects
(contact, callback) - adds a contact to the AddressBook.
(contact, callback) - where contact is an object with a valid recordID
(contact, callback) - where contact is an object with a valid recordID
is a database intensive process, and can take a long time to complete depending on the size of the contacts list. Because of this, it is recommended you access the getAll
method before it is needed, and cache the results for future use.
var Contacts = require('react-native-contacts')
Contacts.getAll((err, contacts) => {
if(err && err.type === 'permissionDenied'){
// x.x
} else {
recordID: 1,
familyName: "Jung",
givenName: "Carl",
middleName: "",
emailAddresses: [{
label: "work",
email: "",
phoneNumbers: [{
label: "mobile",
number: "(555) 555-5555",
thumbnailPath: "", //iOS only
Currently all fields from the contact record except for thumbnailPath are supported for writing
var newPerson = {
lastName: "Nietzsche",
firstName: "Friedrich",
emailAddresses: [{
label: "work",
email: "",
Contacts.addContact(newPerson, (err) => { /*...*/ })
//contrived example
Contacts.getAll( (err, contacts) => {
//update the first record
let someRecord = contacts[0]
label: "junk",
email: "",
Contacts.updateContact(someRecord, (err) => { /*...*/ })
//delete the second record
Contacts.deleteContact(contacts[1], (err) => { /*...*/ })
Update and delete reference contacts by their recordID (as returned by the OS in getContacts). Apple does not guarantee the recordID will not change, e.g. it may be reassigned during a phone migration. Consequently you should always grab a fresh contact list with getContacts
before performing update and delete operations.
You can also delete a record using only it's recordID like follows: Contacts.deleteContact({recordID: 1}, (err) => {})}
npm install react-native-contacts
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
âžœAdd Files to [your project's name]
- add
- In the XCode project navigator, select your project, select the
Build Phases
tab and in theLink Binary With Libraries
section add libRCTContacts.a
- In
include ':react-native-contacts'
project(':react-native-contacts').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-contacts/android')
- In
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-contacts')
- register module (in android/app/src/main/java/[your-app-namespace]/
import com.rt2zz.reactnativecontacts.ReactNativeContacts; // <------ add import
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler {
mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()
.addPackage(new MainReactPackage())
.addPackage(new ReactNativeContacts()) // <------ add package
- add Contacts permission (in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
(callback) - checks permission to use AddressBook.
(callback) - request permission to use AddressBook.
These methods do not re-request permission if permission has already been granted or denied. Usage as follows:
Contacts.checkPermission( (err, permission) => {
if(permission === 'undefined'){
Contacts.requestPermission( (err, permission) => {
// ...
if(permission === 'authorized'){
// yay!
if(permission === 'denied'){
// x.x
- [] android feature parity
- [] migrate iOS from AddressBook to Contacts
- [] implement
with options - [] groups support