
ONNX implementation of YOLOv5 and Siamese Network (ResNet100) with ArcFace loss for Face Detection and Recognition

Primary LanguagePython


ONNX implementation of YOLOv5 and Siamese Network (ResNet100) with ArcFace loss for Face Detection and Recognition



Environment Setup

conda install faceid torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda activate faceid
pip install opencv-python
pip install onnxruntime==1.14.0
pip install onnxruntime-gpu==1.14.0
git clone https://github.com/PhucNDA/FaceID--YOLOV5.ArcFace
cd FaceID--YOLOV5.ArcFace

Ensuring the right data tree format

├── database_image
│   ├── profile1.png
|   ├── profile2.png
|   ├── profile3.png
|   ├── ...
├── database_tensor
│   ├── profile1.npy
|   ├── profile2.npy
|   ├── profile3.npy
|   ├── ...

database_image: containing image for each profile

database_tensor: containing vector feature extracted by pretrained backbone for each profile

Face Detection

Making a few key modifications to the YOLOv5 and optimize it for face detection. These modifications include adding a five-point landmark regression head, using a stem block at the input of the backbone, using smaller-size kernels in the SPP, and adding a P6 output in the PAN block. YOLOv5 is pretrained on WIDERFace datasets and we already converted it to the ONNX gpu runtime:


Adding New Face

Pre-trained backbone ResNet100 weights on Glint360K which contains 17091657 images of 360232 individuals is available at : weights

Manually add new face images to folder:


For fast precomputation, pre-extract database images to .npy tensor:

python feature_extraction.py --weight 'weights/backbone.pth' --path_database database_image

Convert backbone weight to ONNX implementation:

python converttoonnx.py

Face Recognition

It is implemented on ResNet100 backbone and SOTA ArcFace loss: paper

Following is the pipeline of ArcFace loss:


Transfer-learning by training new faces on custom datasets is not neccessary in face recognition algorithm. Using a pre-trained weight on large-scale dataset is enough for feature extraction backbone. Using asia-oriented dataset might lead to bias toward inference phase.

Webcam Real-time GPU inference

python detection_gpu.py

This version is good enough for face recognition system. Adding threshold for Unknown classification depends on user-experience. The model performs well on tilted face and obscured face (facemask). More improvements will be carried out in the future.



I want to express sincere thanks to my colleagues at University of Information Technology - UIT for their contribution to this project.

Serial Full name Github Email
1 Nguyễn Đức Anh Phúc PhucNDA phucnda@gmail.com
2 Huỳnh Viết Tuấn Kiệt hiimking1509 20521494@gm.uit.edu.vn
3 Nguyễn Nhật Trường truongnn 20522087@gm.uit.edu.vn
4 Lại Chí Thiện laichithien 20520309@gm.uit.edu.vn
5 Lê Việt Thịnh levietthinh vietthinh101@gmail.com


This project is carried out in order to build and embedded system for door unlocking 10E8 at University of Information Technology - UIT. Further implementation on Raspberry pi 4 will not be updated for privacy concerns. The ONNX model can be used for academic and reproduction purposes only, but any commercial use is prohibited.