
Project "Twitter Sentiment Classification" in the Computational Intelligence Lab of ETH Zurich, Spring 2018

Primary LanguagePython

Text Sentiment Classification

This is the codebase for the team Satisfaction on Project 2: Twitter Sentiment Classification in the course Computational Intelligence Lab of ETH Zurich in Spring 2018. The project got a grade of 6.0 out of 6.0. A helpful cheatsheet for the CIL exam can also be found here.

With ELMo (Deep contextualized word representations) + Multi-layer RNN + ensemble method, we achieved a classification accuracy of 0.88620, winning the first place on the Kaggle competition (private leaderboard). After the competition deadline, with more tunning we achieved a even higher accuracy of 0.88700 (private) or 0.89180 (public), setting new records for both leaderboards.

Problem statement: Given a tweet from which a smiley (:) or :() has been removed, determine whether it used to contain a positive or a negative smiley.


The following two steps will prepare your environment to begin training and evaluating models.

Downloading necessary datasets

Simply run

cd data
bash get_dataset.bash

Installing dependencies

Run (with sudo appended if necessary),

python3 setup.py install

Note that this can be done within a virtual environment. In this case, the sequence of commands would be similar to:

mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) myenv
python3 setup.py install

when using virtualenvwrapper.

Framework Structure

  • data/ - source data files required for training/testing/validating.
  • outputs/ - output files generated by the framework, all files within are ignored in GitHub commits.
    • models/ - any output for a model will be placed into a subdirectory here, including logs, summaries, checkpoints, and Kaggle submission kaggle_*.csv files,
    • datasources/ - any intermediate files generated by the preprocessing of a data source, which can reduce the preprocessing time for subsequent runs.
  • src/ - all source code.
    • core/ - base classes,
    • datasources/ - routines for reading and preprocessing entries for training and testing,
    • models/ - model implementations,
    • util/ - utility methods,
    • main.py - the invoking script.

Please refer to the README.md under each folder for detailed descriptions.

Training the model

Simply cd into the src/ directory and run

python3 main.py -h

Follow the instructions to invoke the trainer with appropriate arguments. To train our best performing model:

python3 main.py -m ELMoMultiRNN -d RawText


When the model has completed training, it will automatically perform a full evaluation on the test set and generate a submission file.

The output submission files can be found in the folder outputs/models/[model]/ as kaggle_<timestamp>.csv.

Training on Leonhard

Reference: https://scicomp.ethz.ch/wiki/Leonhard_beta_testing#TensorFlow

Login to Leonhard

  1. Connect to ETH VPN.
  2. In your terminal: ssh [your_ETH_alias]@login.leonhard.ethz.ch

Set up the environment

  1. Load the python+tensorflow_gpu module: module load python_gpu/3.6.4
  2. Clone the git repo:
    $ cd ~
    $ git clone https://github.com/Xivid/cil-text-classification-2018
  3. Create a virtual environment and activate it
    $ cd ~
    $ python -m venv envcil
    $ source ~/envcil/bin/activate
  4. Install necessary Python packages for the project, don't use setup.py, run pip directly:
    $ pip install coloredlogs numpy scipy sklearn gensim lightgbm tensorflow-gpu
  5. Download the dataset
    $ cd ~/cil-text-classification-2018/data
    $ ./get_dataset.sh
  6. Test the environment in python:
    $ python
    # in python console
    >>> import tensorflow

If it reports an error: libcuda.so.1... No such file or directory, then it's done (it means you have installed tensorflow-gpu version, but it cannot be run at the login node, which doesn't matter as we are not going to run the code at the login node).

Quick test using Batch interactive job

Before really submitting the job and waiting for hours, you can run a quick test using batch interactive job. (Can be skipped because the queuing can be very slow)

$ cd ~/cil-text-classification-2018/src
$ bsub -I -n 2 -W 4:00 -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" python trainRNN.py

-I means you want to see the output interactively. -n 6 means request 2 CPU cores, -W 4:00 means the job is expected to run within 4 hours (after this amount of time it will be terminated by the system), mem=8192 means request 8192MiB RAM for each CPU core (which means requesting 48GiB in total), ngpus_excl_p=1 means request 1 GPU. python trainRNN.py is the command you want to run.

Run the experiment on GPU nodes

  1. Submit the job
$ cd ~/cil-text-classification-2018/src
bsub -n 6 -W 10:00 -N -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" python trainRNN.py

The -N tells the batch system to send you an email when the job finishes. 2. Check the queue After the job is submitted, you need to wait for some time before it actually get to run. You can check the ID and status of the job using bjobs, or details with bbjobs. You can also kill the job using bkill [job_id]. 3. Check the output After the running has finished, you can find in the working directory an output file "lsf***" containing the standard outputs and running information of the job. I've not yet figured out how to see the print() output during the running process. The submission file should be saved to the path specified in the code.

Monitor the output

When the job is running on Leonhard computing nodes, you cannot see the standard output (such as those by print()), because the program is not running on your login node.

The simplest way to see the output is, first to modify your code somehow to make it output to a file instead of the standard output. Then, use tail -f yourlog.txt to show its contents, the -f option enables it to keep showing the latest content of your log file.

Watch the training process with TensorBoard

  1. Deactivate the environment and load the CPU version of TensorFlow and Python:
    $ deactivate
    $ module load python_cpu/3.6.4
  2. Launch tensorboard with a random port (I suggest some random number in 10000~30000 to avoid conflict, don't use the number in this example! It's very likely to conflict if we all use the same port.)
    $ tensorboard --logdir=[path_to_log_dir] --port=23333
    For example, for the RNN model, the path to log dir should be output/models/RNN/.
  3. Forward the serving port to a local port Find the hostname and port of TensorBoard in the output of the last command: something like TensorBoard 1.7.0 at http://lo-login-02:23333 (Press CTRL+C to quit), then the hostname and port is lo-login-02:23333. Forward it to a local port, say, 23456 (notice the format, :localport:remotehost:remoteport):
    $ ssh -N -f -L :23456:lo-login-02:23333 [your_ETH_alias]@login.leonhard.ethz.ch
  4. Visit http://localhost:23456 to see TensorBoard.

Download the submissions to your local computer

You can use scp to download all csv files:

$ mkdir ~/submissions
$ scp [your_ETH_alias]@login.leonhard.ethz.ch:"~/cil-text-classification-2018/output/models/RNN/*.csv" ~/submissions

Then find the files at your local ~/submissions folder.


CIL Team: Satisfaction

Yi-Lu Chen, Zhifei Yang, Xiaotang Du, Ghazal Hakimifard

D-INFK, ETH Zurich