
A mini distributed file system. Inspired by Hadoop and GFS.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A mini distributed file system. Inspired by Hadoop and GFS.

How to build minidfs?

Make sure you have installed protobuf!

install protobuf

If you haven't installed yet, use the following commands to install. Or you can refer to the official repo to install protobuf.

# change working directory to appropriate path
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip
wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v3.12.3/protobuf-cpp-3.12.3.zip
unzip protobuf-cpp-3.12.3.zip
cd protobuf*
./configure --prefix=/usr
#make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # refresh shared library cache.

build minidfs

Use the following commands to build. Just one line. And the command lines in build.sh is very simple too.


How to use minidfs?

Before running the master, chunkserver and dfs_shell, revise configurations in ./config You need to configure at least the master IP address/port, chunkserver IP/port and replication factor. Other configurations are self-explainable by their names.


It's just fine to use the default configuration.

# format master first
./bin/master -format
# run master
# run a chunkserver

Make a new folder:

./bin/dfs_shell -mkdir /doc

Put a file in local file system to mini-dfs:

./bin/dfs_shell -put ./up.txt /doc/up.txt

List a folder:

./bin/dfs_shell -ls /doc

Get a file from mini-dfs to local file system:

./bin/dfs_shell -get /doc/up.txt down.txt

Judge whether a file exists:

./bin/dfs_shell -exists /doc/unknown.txt