
Maven Repository Manager Concourse Resource

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maven Resource

CI Builds Docker Pulls

Deploys and retrieve artifacts from a Maven Repository Manager.

Source Configuration

  • url: Required. The location of the repository.

  • snapshot_url: Optional. The location of the snapshot repository.

  • artifact: Required. The artifact coordinates in the form of groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]

  • username: Optional. Username for accessing an authenticated repository.

  • password: Optional. Password for accessing an authenticated repository.

  • disable_redeploy: Optional. If set to true, will not re-deploy a release if the artifact version has been previously deployed. NOTE: has no effect for -SNAPSHOT versions or snapshot_url.

  • skip_cert_check: Optional. If set to true, will ignore all certificate errors when accessing an SSL repository. NOTE: this will supersede the repository_cert configuration if also specified.

  • repository_cert: Optional. CA/server certificate to use when accessing an SSL repository. Example:

    repository_cert: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      <Lots more text>
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  • classifiers: Optional. A comma separated list of classifiers for each of the extra side artifacts to deploy. (If specified require types and additionalFiles also be set.)

  • types: Optional. A comma separated list of types for each of the extra side artifacts to deploy. (If specified require classifiers and additionalFiles also be set.)


check: Check for new versions of the artifact.

Checks for new versions of the artifact by retrieving the maven-metadata.xml from the repository.

in: Fetch an artifact from a repository.

Download the artifact from the repository.

out: Deploy artifact to a repository.

Deploy the artifact to the Maven Repository Manager.


  • file: Required. The path to the artifact to deploy.

  • additionalFiles: Optional. A comma separated list of files for each of the extra side artifacts to deploy. (If specified require stubs and types also be set in source section)

  • pom_file: Recommended. The path to the pom.xml to deploy with the artifact.

  • version_file: Required. The path to the version file


Resource configuration for an authenticated repository using a custom cert:

- name: maven-resource
  type: docker-image
    repository: nulldriver/maven-resource
    tag: latest

- name: artifact
  type: maven-resource
    url: https://myrepo.example.com/repository/maven-releases/
    snapshot_url: https://myrepo.example.com/repository/maven-snapshots/
    artifact: com.example:example-webapp:jar
    username: myuser
    password: mypass
    repository_cert: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      <Lots more text>
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Build and deploy an artifact to a Maven Repository Manager:

- name: build
  - get: source-code
    trigger: true
  - task: build-artifact
    file: source-code/ci/build.yml
  - put: artifact
      file: task-output/example-webapp-*.jar
      pom_file: source-code/pom.xml

Retrieve an artifact and push to Cloud Foundry using cf-resource

- name: deploy
  - get: source-code
  - get: artifact
    trigger: true
  - put: cf
      manifest: source-code/manifest.yml
      path: artifact/example-webapp-*.jar