
Linearized Kernel Dictionary Learning

Primary LanguageMATLAB

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List of Folders:

LKDL            – Main folder. Make it Matlab's home directory. 
databases       – This folder contains all data needed to run the simulations.
Fastfood        – Main folder of Fastfood method [see 4] described in our paper. No need to run the code from this folder. 
LCKSVD          – Main folder of LC-KSVD method [see 2] described in our paper. To run LC-KSVD simulations refer to this folder instead of the main folder. Run the files 'DEMO_LCKSVD_LKDL_YaleB' and 'DEMO_LCKSVD_LKDL_ARface'.
packages        – Folder containing software packages of omp and ksvd. For installation instructions of these packages, please refer to: http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~ronrubin/software.html. You must install these packages before running our wrapper code. 
Simplified FDDL – Main folder of FDDL method [see 3] described in our paper. In order to execute the FDDL simulation from our paper, run the file called: 'DEMO_FDDL_LKDL_USPS'.

% Please refer to the following papers

% Alona Golts and Michael Elad, "Linearized Kernel Dictionary Learning", in Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, June 16'.  


Contact: zadneprovski@gmail.com


We use the code provided by the following authors and presented in these papers:

[1] Nguyen, H., Patel, V. M., Nasrabadi, N. M., & Chellappa, R. (2012, March). Kernel dictionary learning. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 2021-2024). IEEE.
[2] Jiang, Z., Lin, Z., & Davis, L. S. (2011, June). Learning a discriminative dictionary for sparse coding via label consistent K-SVD. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on (pp. 1697-1704). IEEE.
[3] Yang, M., Zhang, L., Feng, X., & Zhang, D. (2011, November). Fisher discrimination dictionary learning for sparse representation. In Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 543-550). IEEE. 
[4] Le, Q., Sarlos, T., & Smola, A. (2013). Fastfood-computing hilbert space expansions in loglinear time. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 244-252).
[5] Rahimi, A., & Recht, B. (2007). Random features for large-scale kernel machines. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1177-1184).
[6] Skretting, K., & Engan, K. (2010). Recursive least squares dictionary learning algorithm. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 58(4), 2121-2130.


List of files in main folder, LKDL

Scripts to create figures appearing in our paper (Follow the instructions in each file):

create_FIGURE_1a – create figure showing quality of approximation of the Nystrom method versus the number of selected samples from train set. 
create_FIGURE_1b – create figure showing classification accuracy of LKDL versus the number of selected samples from the train set.
create_FIGURE_2  – create figure showing classification accuracy versus increasing levels of corruption in the form of Gaussian noise and missing pixels. 
create_FIGURE_3  – create figure showing classification accuracy, training time and test time versus size of input training set. 
create_FIGURE_4a – create figure showing classification accuracy versus size of input feature vector. This figure compares LKDL feature extraction on the USPS dataset, versus RFF [see 5] and Fastfood [see 4].
create_FIGURE_4b – create figure showing classification accuracy versus size of input feature vector. This figure compares LKDL feature extraction on the MNIST dataset, versus RFF [see 5] and Fastfood [see 4].
DEMO_batch_LKDL  – script running the RLS-DLA algorithm [see 6] of mini-batch dictionary learning, with and without LDKL pre-processing.
List of files with pre-calculated results:

List of main wrapper functions of entire classification pipeline:

classify_main      – external wrapper function for training dictionaries and performing classification on MNIST and USPS datasets. Follow instructions inside.
classify_aux       – internal wrapper function within classify_main.m
classify_aux_batch – mini-batch version of internal wrapper function within classify_main.m
List of functions for training and classifying with KSVD, KKSVD and RLS-DLA algorithms:

init_dictionary – internal function to initialize dictionaries before performing dictionary learning. See function for different options of initialization. 
KSVD_train      – train a dictionary using KSVD.
KSVD_classify   – perform classification using dictionary created with KSVD.
KKSVD_train     – train a dictionary using KKSVD.
KKSVD_classify  – perform classification using dictionary created with KKSVD.
RLS_train       – train a dictionary using RLS-DLA (mini-batch version of MOD). 
RLS_classify    – perform classification using dictionary created with RLS-DLA (mini-batch MOD).
List of functions connected with LKDL feature extraction:

calc_virtual_map – create virtual train and test sets using LKDL. 
calc_support     – perform sub-sampling on the train data for Nystrom approximation.
calc_kernel      – compute kernel on input Gram matrix.
randpdf          – utility function for sampling from a custom distribution function.
fkmeans          – utility function for performing fast kmeans (for Nystrom approximation).
KSVDCoresetAlg   – utility function to calculate coreset sampling. 
List of functions for KKSVD (provided by Hien Van Nguyen, see 1):

KKSVD    – perform KKSVD dictionary learning. See further 
KOMP     – perform KOMP sparse coding.
Knorms   – utility function of KKSVD. See further instructions inside. 
gram     – utility function of KKSVD. See further instructions inside. 
normcols – utility function of KKSVD. See further instructions inside.
List of functions for RLS-DLA algorithm:

dict_learn_mb_simple – main function for training dictionary using mini-batch RLS-DLA.
lambdafun            – auxiliary function to update the forgetting factor in RLS-DLA.
Additional functions:

create_enlarged_MNIST – load MNIST dataset and create enlarged version with 1-pixel shifted images in each direction (including diagonal).
mycolormap            – load colormap for displaying figures.

List of contents in Simplified FDDL folder:

DEMO_FDDL_LKDL_USPS - run demo demonstrating FDDL with and without LKDL pre-processing.
FDDL_aux            - wrapper function that runs LKDL pre-processing and calls FDDL.


List of function in LCKSVD folder:

DEMO_LCKSVD_LKDL_YaleB  - run this function to start demo of LCKSVD performance on YaleB dataset with and without LKDL
DEMO_LCKSVD_LKDL_ARface - run this function to start demo of LCKSVD performance on AR Face dataset with and without LKDL
LCKSVD_aux              - wrapper function that performs an optional stage of LKDL and runs LCKSVD.

Additional functions of LCKSVD authors (helpful information is found within each file): 
