A bird found only in New Zealand?
- 100+ algorithms for classification
- 75 for data preprocessing
- 25 to assist with feature selection
- 20 for clustering, finding association rules, etc
There are two versions of Weka: Weka 3.8 is the latest stable version and Weka 3.9 is the development version. New releases of these two versions are normally made once or twice a year. For the bleeding edge, it is also possible to download nightly snapshots of these two versions.
The stable version receives only bug fixes and feature upgrades that do not break compatibility with its earlier releases, while the development version may receive new features that break compatibility with its earlier releases.
Weka 3.8 and 3.9 feature a package management system that makes it easy for the Weka community to add new functionality to Weka. The package management system requires an internet connection in order to download and install packages.
This is the main development trunk of Weka and continues from the stable Weka 3.8 code line. It may receive new features that break backwards compatibility.
Click here to download a self-extracting executable for 64-bit Windows that includes Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 (weka-3-9-4-azul-zulu-windows.exe; 117 MB) This executable will install Weka in your Program Menu. Launching via the Program Menu or shortcuts will automatically use the included JVM to run Weka.
Click here to download a disk image for Mac OS that contains a Mac application including Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 JVM (weka-3-9-4-azul-zulu-osx.dmg; 143 MB)
#Old versions All old versions of Weka are available from the Sourceforge website.
Load data into Weka and look at it.