
QR Generator - Open Source (QG-OS)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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QR Generator - Open Source (QG-OS)


This repository (QG-OS) is an open source implementation of Xi Xu's QR Generator. QG-OS aims to provide developers with a simple, fast and free QR code generation service solution.


Official demo of QG-OS.


1. Sign up for a Cloudflare account

Visit Cloudflare to sign up for an account.

2. Deploy to Cloudflare Workers

After logging into your account, click Deploy to Cloudflare Workers.

Click "Authorize Workers" and log in to your Github account to authorize GitHub to Workers. image-20240308100821060

Click "I have a account". image-20240308100942925 Click "Workers Dashboard". image-20240308101056834 Copy "Account ID". image-20240308101224693

Paste it into the "Account ID" input box. image-20240308101342895

Click "My Profile". image-20240308101452825

Click "Create Token". image-20240308101620496

Click "Use Template" in the fourth item "Edit Cloudflare Workers". image-20240308101741689

Select the value of Account Resource to Your Account, and Region Resource to All Regions. image-20240308102630538

Click "Continue to display summary". image-20240308102827159

Click "Create Token". image-20240308103110802

Click "Copy". image-20240308103153901

Paste it into the "API Token" input box and click "Connect account". aac580cdb2ba5305991c02e46baea0de Click "Fork the repository" -> "Repository Actions" - > "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them" to enable Github Action. image-20240308103835724

Return to the previous page and click "Workflows enabled" -> "Deploy" in sequence. image-20240308104056663 image

Return to the Fork repository, click "Actions", and the deployment is successful if the following result is obtained. image-20240308104412895

3. Get access link

Find the link below in the Worker dashboard. image

4. Subsequent upgrades

In the Fork project address, click "Sync Fork" and wait for Actions to be automatically deployed. image

5. Custom domain name (optional)

In the Worker dashboard, select "Trigger" and click "Add custom domain" to implement a custom domain name d64fcdab4dc44504909cc6faa86ae8a1


This repository (QG-OS) is for learning and communication only. It is strictly prohibited to use it for commercial or even illegal purposes. Users must comply with local laws and regulations, otherwise they will be at their own risk.


Copyright © Xi Xu. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.