
Point Cloud Object Tracking Program is only in main.py!!! Users Guidance is readme.txt. Thank you. Have any question,please contact gavin_xiyao@163.com The project have used third-party library python-pcl and python-OpenCV. External library link: https://github.com/strawlab/python-pcl and https://github.com/skvark/opencv-python.

Primary LanguagePython

Step1 Open terminal Launch Gazebo and Ros:
roscore &
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
rosrun rviz rviz
Step2 Simulate objects in the Gazebo
Step3 Set Pointcloud2 and TF in Rviz
Step4 Set parameters in codes:

set following parameter in codes
objectNum = 2 #set 1 single object situation set 2 multiple object
    maxIteration = 30 #registration iteration time
    tolerance = 0.0005 #error tolerance for registration
    controlPoints = 500 #maximum sample point number for ICP
    turtlename = 'beer' #tagrget name to be tracked
    Imgtemp='beer.jpg' # recognition template
    template='beer.pcd' #ICP tmeplate
run main.py

Besides : There are some template for test and Expriment records listed above