An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you to search emojis😃
- 21eleven@america
- akai-omurbekBishkek Kyrgyzstan
- aniketfuryrocks@rome-protocol
- AnoRebel@HackEAC
- ashishbinu
- b0o@sodium-ai
- blasterpistol
- budswaNew Zealand, Earth
- C-Sinclair@Multiverse-io
- cd-a
- cveligkos
- darius4691
- declancmFreefly Systems
- emuel-vassalloMCAST
- EpiCanardFrance
- ewertonribeirobelem - pa brasil
- hemedaniAbrFA
- Jarmos-san@Weburz
- jdhaolocalhost
- Laughing-qChengdu, China
- LinArcXFrance
- mystilleeflaboki
- pascalharp
- pschmitt@wiit-cloud
- RustemBUfa, Russia
- sheoakFrance
- SmithWebDev
- steinbrueckri@userlike
- takadev15Sucor Group (SayaKaya)
- tembokk
- the-spanish-guy@nomad-bank
- tobias-zDenmark
- TornaxO7Student at KIT
- ur4ltzKharkiv - Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine
- whackie
- WS-Na