
My Arch Linux Hyprland rice

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xiyori's dotfiles

Rice Preview

⠀⠀   ⑨ Setup / Hyprland-----------------------------------

 ╭─ Distro  -> Arch Linux x86_64
 ├─ Editor  -> NeoVim
 ├─ Browser -> Firefox /w Betterfox
 ├─ Music   -> Cmus
 ├─ Shell   -> fish
 ╰─ Resource Monitor -> Btop

 ╭─ Model -> Modern 14 B5M
 ├─ CPU   -> Ryzen 5 5500U @ 4.0GHz
 ├─ GPU   -> No :(
 ╰─ Resolution -> 1920x1080

 ╭─ WM       -> Hyprland
 ├─ Terminal -> Alacritty
 ├─ Launcher -> Rofi
 ├─ Theme    -> Catpuccin-Mocha-Blue-Dark
 ├─ Icons    -> Papirus-Dark
 ╰─ Font     -> Fira Code Nerd Font

Before installation

Please, check the install script before running it. The script is intended for clean base systems, installing it in a working setup is not recommended!

If you wish to install optional packages, edit your /etc/pacman.conf to include multilib repo:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


Run ./install.sh from the repo directory. Minimum requirements are base, base-devel. Customize monitors and appearance configs in .config/hypr/.

Set up cmus (if installed)

:colorscheme catppuccin
:set status_display_program=$HOME/.scripts/cmus_status.sh


To play Touhou games, install

pacman -S wine-staging winetricks wine-mono lib32-mesa-libgl lib32-gnutls lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-libpulse lib32-openal vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon gamescope

and run games like this:

WINEARCH=win32 gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -r 60 --expose-wayland -- wine $YOUR_GAME



Scripts and configs are from / based on PROxZIMA, AmitGolden, rustybucketz30 dotfiles. Look up the exact attribution in each file.