LintCode题解 1. 数组 (27) 005. 第K大的元素 006. 合并排序数组 014. 二分查找 039. 恢复旋转排序数组 041. 最大子数组 044. 最小子数组 045. 最大子阵列差 046. 主元素 050. 数组剔除元素后的乘积 056. 两数之和 060. 搜索插入位置 064. 合并排序数组 II 080. 中位数 082. 落单的数 100. 删除排序数组中的重复数字 101. 删除排序数组中的重复数字II 138. 子数组之和 172. 删除元素 373. 奇偶分割数组 397. 最长上升连续子序列 407. 加一 457. 经典二分查找问题 463. 整数排序 464. 整数排序II 539. 移动零 547. 两数组的交 548. 两数组的交 II 2. 链表 (12) 035. 翻转链表 036. 翻转链表II 096. 链表划分 112. 删除排序链表中的重复元素 165. 合并两个排序链表 166. 链表倒数第n个节点 167. 链表求和 173. 链表插入排序 174. 删除链表中倒数第n个节点 372. 在O(1)时间复杂度删除链表节点 451. 两两交换链表中的节点 452. 删除链表中的元素 3. 字符串 (17) 008. 旋转字符串 013. 包含子字符串 053. 翻转字符串 055. 比较字符串 133. 最长单词 157. 判断字符串是否没有重复字符 158. 两个字符串是变位词 211. 字符串置换 212. 空格替换 415. 有效的回文 422. 最后一个单词的长度 423. 有效括号 524. 左填充 627. 最长回文串 638. 字符串同态 646. 第一位独特字符 647. 子字符串字谜 4. 二叉树 (19) 007. 二叉树的序列化 066. 二叉树的前序遍历 067. 二叉树的中序遍历 068. 二叉树的后序遍历 069. 二叉树的层次遍历 085. 在二叉查找树中插入节点 093. 平衡二叉树 097. 二叉树的最大深度 155. 二叉树的最小深度 175. 翻转二叉树 177. 把排序数组转换为高度最小的二叉搜索树 245. 子树 375. 克隆二叉树 376. 二叉树的路径和 453. 将二叉树拆成链表 469. 等价二叉树 480. 二叉树的所有路径 632. 二叉树的最大节点 661. 将BST转换为大树 5. 矩阵 (8) 028. 搜索二维矩阵 038. 搜索二位矩阵II 109. 数字三角形 110. 最小路径和 114. 唯一路径 115. 唯一路径II 185. 矩阵的之字型遍历 433. 岛屿的个数 6. 数字运算符相关 (13) 001. A + B 问题 002. 尾部的零 003. 统计数字 142. O(1)时间检测2的幂次 181. 将整数A转换为B 365. 二进制中有多少个1 408. 二进制求和 413. 反转整数 488. 快乐数 491. 回文数 517. 丑数 569. 各位相加 655. 大数相加 7. 其它 (15) 009. Fizz Buzz 问题 022. 平面列表 030. 插入区间 111. 爬楼梯 128. Hash函数 141. 平方根 156. 合并区间 204. 单例 227. 汉诺塔 366. 斐波拉契数列 420. 报数 454. 矩阵面积 445. 余弦相似度 496. 工厂模式 662. 猜数 LintCode 题解 (Order by No) 1. A Plus B (Easy) 2. Trailing Zeros (Easy) 3. Digit Counts (Medium) 5. Kth Largest Element (Medium) 6. Merge Two Sorted Arrays (Easy) 7. Binary Tree Serialization (Medium) 8. Rotate String (Easy) 9. Fizz Buzz (Easy) 13. strStr (Easy) 14. FirstPositionOfTarget (Easy) 22. Flatten List (Easy) 28. Search2DMatrix (Easy) 30. Insert Interval (Easy) 35. Reverse LinkedList (Easy) 36. Reverse LinkedList (Medium) 38. Search2DMatrix (Medium) 39. Recover Rotated Sorted Array (Easy) 41. MaximumSubArray (Easy) 44. MinimumSubArray (Easy) 45. MaximumSubarrayDifference (Medium) 46. Majority Number (Easy) 50. Product of Array Exclude Itself (Easy) 53. Reverse Words in a String (Easy) 55. CompareStrings (Easy) 56. Two Sum (Easy) 60. Search Insert Position (Easy) 64. Merge Sorted Array (Easy) 66. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (Easy) 67. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (Easy) 68. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (Easy) 69. Binary Tree LevelOrder (Easy) 80. Median (Easy) 82. Single Number (Easy) 85. Insert Node in a Binary Search Tree (Easy) 93. Balanced Binary Tree (Easy) 96. Partition List (Easy) 97. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (Easy) 100. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Arrays (Easy) 101. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II (Easy) 109. Triangle (Easy) 110. Minimum Path Sum (Easy) 111. Climbing Stairs (Easy) 112. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (Easy) 114. Unique Paths (Easy) 115. Unique Paths II (Easy) 128. Hash Function (Easy) 133. Longest Words (Easy) 138. Subarray Sum (Easy) 141. Sqrt(x) (Easy) 142. O(1) Check Power of 2 (Easy) 155. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (Easy) 156. Merge Intervals (Easy) 157. Unique Characters (Easy) 158. Two Strings Are Anagrams (Easy) 165. Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy) 166. Nth to Last Node in List (Easy) 167. Add Two Numbers (Easy) 172. Remove Element (Easy) 173. Insertion Sort List (Easy) 174. Remove Nth Node From End of List (Easy) 175. Invert Binary Tree (Easy) 177. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree With Minimal Height (Easy) 181. Flip Bits (Easy) 185. Matrix Zigzag Traversal (Easy) 204. Singleton (Easy) 211. String Permutation (Easy) 212. SpaceReplacement (Easy) 227. Mock Hanoi Tower by Stacks (Easy) 245. SubTree (Easy) 365. Count 1 in Binary (Easy) 366. Fibonacci (Easy) 372. Delete Node in the Middle of Singly Linked List (Easy) 373. Partition Array by Odd and Even (Easy) 375. Clone Binary Tree (Easy) 376. Binary Tree Path Sum (Easy) 397. Longest Increasing Continuous Subsequence (Easy) 407. Plus One (Easy) 408. Add Binary (Easy) 413. Reverse Integer (Easy) 415. Valid Palindrome (Easy) 420. CountAndSay (Easy) 422. Length of Last Word (Easy) 423. Valid Parentheses (Easy) 433. Number of Islands (Easy) 445. Cosine Similarity (Easy) 451. Swap Nodes in Pairs (Easy) 452. Remove Linked List Elements (Easy) 453. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (Easy) 454. Rectangle Area (Easy) 457. Classical Binary Search (Easy) 463. Sorted Integers (Easy) 464. Sort Integers II (Easy) 469. Identical Binary Tree (Easy) 480. Binary Tree Paths (Easy) 488. Happy Number (Easy) 491. Palindrome Number (Easy) 496. Toy Factory (Easy) 517. Ugly Number (Easy) 524. Left Pad (Easy) 539. Move Zeroes (Easy) 547. Intersection of Two Arrays (Easy) 548. Intersection of Two Arrays II (Easy) 569. Add Digits (Easy) 627. Longest Palindrome (Easy) 632. Binary Tree Maxnum Node (Naive) 638. Strings Homomorphism (Easy) 646. First Position Unique Character (Easy) 647. Substring Anagrams (Easy) 655. Big Integer Addition (Easy) 661. Convert BST to GreaterTree (Easy) 662. 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