
Axios-REST: A RESTful client based on axios

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Axios-REST: A RESTful client based on axios

This library intends to provide an elegant RESTful client.


npm i @aponder.top/axios-rest

Usage example

import axiosRest from '@aponder.top/axios-rest'

const handleOk = (r) => console.info(r)
const handleError = (e) => console.debug(e.toString())

let baseUrl = 'https://httpbin.org'
const axiosRequestConfig = {}
let Rest
// create Rest with axios interceptors and debug
Rest = axiosRest(baseUrl, axiosRequestConfig, false, true)
Rest.axiosInstance.interceptors.response.use(handleOk, handleError)
// Here, create Rest without interceptors and debug normally
// Rest = axiosRest(baseUrl)

// use a common name to be the alias of the resource variable name
let _

// define the resource with a '/'
let Users = Rest('/users')

const newUser = { username: 'root', password: 'root' }

_ = Users
console.info(`\nTest: ${_.resourcePath}`)
_.list({ page: 1, page_size: 10 }).response
_.update(10, newUser).response
_.partial_update(11, newUser).response

_.login = _.make_plural_action('login')

_.disable = _.make_single_action('disable')

_.log = _.make_single_action('log', 'GET')

// define the response without a '/'
let Blogs = Rest('blogs')
_ = Blogs
console.info(`\nTest: ${_.resourcePath}`)
_.list({ page: 1, page_size: 10 }).response
_.update(10, newUser).response
_.partial_update(11, newUser).response

// combine two resources, the parameter of `of` is an instance of Resource
let User10Blogs = Users.detail(10).of(Blogs)
_ = User10Blogs
console.info(`\nTest: ${_.resourcePath}`)
_.list({ page: 1, page_size: 10 }).response
_.update(10, newUser).response
_.partial_update(11, newUser).response

// combine two resources, the parameter of `of` is an instance of Resource
let User10Articles = Users.detail(10).of('articles')
_ = User10Articles
console.info(`\nTest: ${_.resourcePath}`)
_.list({ page: 1, page_size: 10 }).response
_.update(10, newUser).response
_.partial_update(11, newUser).response