JSON Parser Project

Project Overview

This JSON Parser project is an educational exercise in understanding the parsing of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), a widely used data-interchange format. The parser is developed to handle increasingly complex JSON structures, starting from simple objects to more complex nested objects and arrays.


  • Parse simple JSON objects with string keys and values.
  • Handle JSON objects containing string, numeric, boolean, and null values.
  • Interpret nested JSON objects and arrays.
  • Robust error handling to differentiate between valid and invalid JSON structures.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x installed on your system.
  • Basic understanding of JSON format and Python programming.


Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/xj85770/json-parser

Navigate to the project directory:

cd json-parser


Run the parser with a JSON file as an argument:

python json_parser.py path/to/jsonfile.json

The parser will output whether the JSON is valid and exit with an appropriate status code (0 for valid, 1 for invalid).

Project Structure

  • json_parser.py: The main Python script containing the lexer and parser logic.
  • tests/: Directory containing test JSON files categorized by complexity:
    • step1/: Simple JSON objects ({}).
    • step2/: JSON objects with string keys and various value types.
    • step3/: JSON objects including boolean, null, and numeric values.
    • step4/: Complex JSON objects with nested structures.

Development Steps

The parser was developed in incremental steps, each addressing a more complex aspect of JSON parsing:

  1. Step 1: Handle empty JSON objects.
  2. Step 2: Parse simple JSON objects with string values.
  3. Step 3: Extend parsing capabilities to include various data types.
  4. Step 4: Implement parsing of nested JSON objects and arrays.


Each development step includes test files under the tests/ directory. Run the parser against these files to validate its functionality.