
A substitute for the official WeChat JS-SDK library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Version Downloads License

A substitute for the official WeChat JS-SDK library, rewritten from https://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.6.0.js.

Quick Start

import axios from 'axios'
import WeChatWebViewBridge from 'wechat-webview-bridge'

 * Function to request WeChat JS-SDK configuration parameters.
 * @var Function
const configHandler = async function ({ url }) {
  return axios.post('/wechat-jssdk-config', { url })
    .then(res => {
      return {
        appId: res.appId,
        timestamp: res.timestamp,
        nonceStr: res.nonceStr,
        signature: res.signature

 * List of WeChat JS-SDK API you want to grant.
 * @var Array
const apiList = [

 * The bridge instance.
 * @var WeChatWebViewBridge
const bridge = new WeChatWebViewBridge({
  debug: true

// wait for WebView bridge initialized
await bridge.load()
  .then(() => {
    // listen on WeChat Timeline Share event
    return bridge.on({
      handlerName: 'menu:share:timeline',
      listener () {
        // invoke registration of sharing
          handlerName: 'shareTimeline',
          params: {
            title: 'The Title Goes Here',
            desc: 'The description goes here',
            img_url: 'https://www.example.com/image.jpeg',
            link: window.location.href,
            type: 'link',
            data_url: ''
          .then(data => {
            // successfully shared
          .catch(error => {
            if (error.message === 'cancel') {
              // user cancelled
            // any other reasons
  .then(() => {
    // invoke hiding custom menu items
    return bridge.invoke({
      handlerName: 'hideMenuItems',
      params: {
        menuList: [


new WeChatWebViewBridge(<options>)

Parameter Type Description Default
options object
options.configHandler function Function to request WeChat JS-SDK configuration parameters. It should return a Promise and resolves with an object contains WeChat configuration parameters (appId, timestamp, nonceStr and signature). (required)
options.apiList array List of WeChat JS-SDK API names you want to grant. []
options.debug bool Enable console debug output. false


Asynchronously wait for WebView bridge initialized. The returned Promise will be resolved once the bridge is ready to config.

  • Parameters: (none)
  • Returns: Promise<void>


Get configuration parameters from provided configHandler function and then pass to preVerifyJSAPI handler immediately. The returned Promise will be resolved once the bridge is ready to use.

  • Parameters: (none)
  • Returns: Promise<any>

bridge.invoke(<handerName>, [params])

Invoke WebView bridge handler. (see below for the complete handler list)

Parameter Type Description Default
handerName string The name of handler to be called. (required)
params object Parameters passed to WeChat WebView bridge. {}
  • Returns: Promise<any>

bridge.on(<handlerName>, <listener>)

Listen on WebView bridge event. (see below for the complete handler list)

Parameter Type Description Default
handlerName string The name of event to be listened on. (required)
listener function The callback for WeChat WebView bridge response. (required)
  • Returns: Promise<void>


Get the trimmed URL at the moment for WeChat WebView to configure.

  • Returns: string


Get WeChat WebView bridge configuration data. The data will be fulfilled after a successful configHandler call.

  • Returns: object


Get whether WeChat WebView bridge was successfully configured before.

  • Returns: boolean


Whether we are in an iOS device.

  • Returns: boolean


Whether we are in an Android device.

  • Returns: boolean


Whether we are in a WeChat WebView.

  • Returns: boolean


Whether we are in a WeChat Browser.

  • Returns: boolean


Whether we are in a WeChat Mini Program.

  • Returns: boolean


Whether we are in a WeChat Dev Tools.

  • Returns: boolean

Handlers for JS calling WebView Bridge

Handler Name Parameters Official Description
preVerifyJSAPI verifyJsApiList, verifyOpenTagList 注入权限验证配置
checkJsApi jsApiList 判断当前客户端版本是否支持指定 JS 接口
shareTimeline title, desc, img_url, link, type, data_url (unknown)
sendAppMessage title, desc, link, img_url, type, data_url (unknown)
shareQQ title, desc, img_url, link (unknown)
shareWeiboApp title, desc, img_url, link (unknown)
shareQZone title, desc, img_url, link (unknown)
updateTimelineShareData title, link, imgUrl 自定义“分享到朋友圈”及“分享到QQ空间”按钮的分享内容
updateAppMessageShareData title, desc, link, imgUrl 自定义“分享给朋友”及“分享到QQ”按钮的分享内容
startRecord (none) 开始录音接口
stopRecord (none) 停止录音接口
playVoice localId 播放语音接口
pauseVoice localId 暂停播放接口
stopVoice localId 停止播放接口
uploadVoice localId, isShowProgressTips 上传语音接口
downloadVoice serverId, isShowProgressTips 下载语音接口
translateVoice localId, isShowProgressTips 识别音频并返回识别结果接口
chooseImage count, sizeType, sourceType 拍照或从手机相册中选图接口
imagePreview current, urls 预览图片接口
uploadImage localId, isShowProgressTips 上传图片接口
downloadImage serverId, isShowProgressTips 下载图片接口
getLocalImgData localId 获取本地图片接口
getNetworkType (none) 获取网络状态接口
openLocation latitude, longitude, name, address, scale, infoUrl 使用微信内置地图查看位置接口
geoLocation (none) 获取地理位置接口
hideOptionMenu (none) (unknown)
showOptionMenu (none) (unknown)
closeWindow (none) 关闭当前网页窗口接口
hideMenuItems menuList 批量隐藏功能按钮接口
showMenuItems menuList 批量显示功能按钮接口
hideAllNonBaseMenuItem (none) 隐藏所有非基础按钮接口
showAllNonBaseMenuItem (none) 显示所有功能按钮接口
scanQRCode needResult, scanType 调起微信扫一扫接口
editAddress (none) 共享收货地址接口
openProductViewWithPid pid, view_type, ext_info 跳转微信商品页接口
batchAddCard card_list 批量添加卡券接口
chooseCard app_id, location_id, sign_type, card_id, card_type, card_sign, time_stamp, nonce_str 拉取适用卡券列表并获取用户选择信息
batchViewCard card_list 查看微信卡包中的卡券接口
consumedShareCard consumedCardId, consumedCode (unknown)
getBrandWCPayRequest timestamp, nonceStr, package, paySign, signType 发起一个微信支付请求
getRecevieBizHongBaoRequest timestamp, nonceStr, package, paySign, signType (unknown)
startMonitoringBeacons ticket 开启查找周边 ibeacon 设备接口
stopMonitoringBeacons (none) 关闭查找周边 ibeacon 设备接口
openEnterpriseChat useridlist, chatname (unknown)
launchMiniProgram targetAppId, path, envVersion 打开小程序
openBusinessView businessType, queryString, envVersion (unknown)
invokeMiniProgramAPI name, arg (unknown)

Handlers for JS listening on WebView Bridge

Handler Name Official Description
menu:share:timeline 监听“分享到朋友圈”按钮点击
menu:share:appmessage 监听“分享给朋友”按钮点击
menu:share:qq 监听“分享到 QQ”按钮点击
menu:share:weiboApp 监听“分享到腾讯微博”按钮点击
menu:share:QZone 监听“分享到 QQ 空间”按钮点击
onVoiceRecordEnd 监听录音自动停止接口
onVoicePlayEnd 监听语音播放完毕接口
onBeaconsInRange 监听周边 ibeacon 设备接口
