
This project consists of creating a RestAPI for ABAP/RFC'S Read Tables SAP calls, in order to be consumed in other services with dynamic parameters.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OPEN API - SAP RFC/ABAPi Python Connector- PyRFC

This project consists of creating a RestAPI for ABAP/RFC'S Read Tables SAP calls, in order to be consumed in other services with dynamic parameters.



  pip install Cython
  pip install uvicorn
  pip install fastapi
  pip install pydantic
  pip install c:\folder\resources\pyrfc-lib\PyRFC-1.9.93.tar.gz
Install Build Tools 2019 C in resources\vss\setup.exe

environment variables :

  Create a folder called 'sap' with the files extracted from the RFC NEW SDK and Move in C:\'
  ADD to PATCH: 'C:\sap\nwrfcsdk\lib'
  CREATE environment variables  NAME:'SAPNWRFC_HOME' VALUE:'C:\sap\nwrfcsdk'

Server Change:


if __name__ == '__main__':
    uvicorn.run("MainBaseModel:app", port=3000, host='', reload=True)

API documentation

Return swagger

  GET /docs
swagger FastAPI.

ABAPI Call'S Request

  POST /bapi

Send JSon in Body:raw/Json for parameters and connection

    "CONFIG": {
        "sysnr": "XX",
        "user":  "XXXXXXX",
        "lang":  "pt"
    "KWARGS": {
        "EXPORTPARAMS1":"Value", // Args to  ABAPI

RFCs Read Tables Call'S Request

  POST /rfc

Send JSon in Body:raw/Json for parameters and connection

    "ROWSKIPS": 0,
    "ROWCOUNT": 20,
    "FIELDS": [
    "WHERE": [
            "TEXT": "NAME_FIELD1  = 'S'",
            "TEXT": "NAME_FIELD2  LIKE '%VALUE%'",
            "TEXT": "NAME_FIELD3  <> 'VALUE'"

    "CONFIG": {
        "sysnr": "XX",
        "user":  "XXXXXXX",
        "lang":  "pt"
    "TABELA": "PA0001" // TABLES SAP 

RFCs/ABAPI Receives the Organizational Structure of Employees by payroll

  POST /funcinario2

Send JSon in Body:raw/Json for parameters and connection

    "CONFIG": {
        "sysnr": "XX",
        "user":  "XXXXXXX",
        "lang":  "pt"
    "LIST_PAYROLL": [ Inform at least 1 payroll
    "PAGE": "1" ///Number Pagination // Return 50 Items Default