
A WebAssembly port of Recast Navigation

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recast-navigation-js is a WebAssembly port of the Recast and Detour libraries. Recast is a state of the art navigation mesh construction toolset for games, and Detour is a path-finding and spatial reasoning toolkit.

This library provides high level APIs that make it easy to get started creating navigation meshes, querying them, and simulating crowds. It also provides lower-level APIs that give you fine-grained control over the navmesh generation process.

Warning This library is still in early development. Versions in the 0.x.x range may have breaking changes.


This package ships as ECMAScript modules, and is compatible with Node.js and browser environments.


<script type="module">
  import { generateSoloNavMesh } from 'https://www.unpkg.com/@recast-navigation/core@0.7.1/dist/index.es.js';


npm install recast-navigation

If you are using Vite, you may need to opt recast-navigation out of pre-bundling:

export default defineConfig(() => ({
  optimizeDeps: { exclude: ['recast-navigation'] }



Before you can use the library, you must initialize it. This is an asynchronous operation.

Calling init() after the library has already been initialized will return a promise that resolves immediately.

import { init } from 'recast-navigation';

await init();

Generating a NavMesh

To create a NavMesh, you can use the generateSoloNavMesh and generateTiledNavMesh functions.

The input positions and indices should adhere to OpenGL conventions:

  • Use the right-handed coordinate system
  • Indices should be in counter-clockwise winding order
  • The positions and indices arguments should be flat arrays of numbers
import { generateSoloNavMesh } from 'recast-navigation';

const positions = [
  /* flat array of positions */
  /* e.g. x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ... */

const indices = [
  /* flat array of indices */

const navMeshConfig = {
  /* ... */

const { success, navMesh } = generateSoloNavMesh(

If you need to do something more advanced, you can use the lower level API to create your own NavMesh generator. See the "Advanced Usage" section for more information.

Querying a NavMesh

import { NavMeshQuery } from 'recast-navigation';

const navMeshQuery = new NavMeshQuery({ navMesh });

/* get the closest point on the NavMesh to the given position */
const position = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

/* get a random point around the given position */
const radius = 0.5;
navMeshQuery.getRandomPointAround(position, radius);

Crowds and Agents

First, create a Crowd instance.

import { Crowd } from 'recast-navigation';

const maxAgents = 10;
const maxAgentRadius = 0.6;

const crowd = new Crowd({ maxAgents, maxAgentRadius, navMesh });

To update the crowd, first set a timeStep, then call update each frame with the delta time.

const dt = 1 / 60;
crowd.timeStep = dt;

// you should call this every frame

Next, you can create and interface with agents in the crowd.

const initialAgentPosition = navMeshQuery.getRandomPointAround(
  { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, // position
  2 // radius

const agent = crowd.addAgent(initialAgentPosition, {
  radius: 0.5,
  height: 0.5,
  maxAcceleration: 4.0,
  maxSpeed: 1.0,
  collisionQueryRange: 0.5,
  pathOptimizationRange: 0.0,
  separationWeight: 1.0,

/* get information about the agent */
const agentPosition = agent.position();
const agentVelocity = agent.velocity();
const agentNextTargetPath = agent.nextTargetPath();
const agentState = agent.state();
const agentCorners = agent.corners();
const agentParameters = agent.parameters();

/* tell the agent to move to a target position */
const targetPosition = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

/* reset the agents target */

/* teleport the agent to a position */

/* update some parameters of the agent */
  maxAcceleration: 4.0,

/* set all parameters for an agent */
  // any omitted parameters will be set to their default values

/* remove the agent */

Temporary Obstacles

Recast Navigation supports creating Box and Cylinder obstacles.

Note that in order to use obstacles, you must create a TileCache.

TileCache assumes small tiles (around 32-64 squared). Using tileSize values outside this range may result in unexpected behaviour.

import { generateTileCache } from 'recast-navigation';

/* create a tile cache */
const { success, navMesh, tileCache } = generateTileCache(positions, indices, {
  /* ... */
  tileSize: 16,

/* add a Box obstacle to the NavMesh */
const position = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
const extent = { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 };
const angle = 0;
const boxObstacle = tileCache.addBoxObstacle(position, extent, angle);

/* add a Cylinder obstacle to the NavMesh */
const radius = 1;
const height = 1;
const cylinderObstacle = tileCache.addCylinderObstacle(

/* update the NavMesh to reflect obstacle changes */

/* remove the obstacles from the NavMesh */


You can use getDebugNavMesh to get a debug representation of the NavMesh.

const debugNavMesh = navMesh.getDebugNavMesh();

const { positions, indices } = debugNavMesh;

If you are using @recast-navigation/three, you can use NavMeshHelper and CrowdHelper to visualize NavMeshes and Crowds.

Exporting and Importing

A NavMesh and TileCache can be exported and imported as a Uint8Array.

import { exportNavMesh, importNavMesh } from 'recast-navigation';

/* exporting */
const navMeshExport: Uint8Array = exportNavMesh(
  tileCache // optional

/* importing */
const { navMesh, tileCache } = importNavMesh(navMeshExport);

Advanced Usage

This library provides low-level APIs that aim to match the recast and detour c++ api, allowing you to create custom navigation mesh generators based on your specific needs. See: https://github.com/isaac-mason/recast-navigation-js/tree/main/packages/recast-navigation-core/src/generators

Please note that this functionality is experimental, and not all everything is exposed. Familiarity with the recast and detour C++ libraries is required. If you require unexposed functionality, please submit an issue or a pull request.

API Documentation

Documentation can be found at https://docs.recast-navigation-js.isaacmason.com.


Some demonstrations of how to use the library in different environments can be found in the examples directory.

There are also storybooks that demonstrate the library in action: https://recast-navigation-js.isaacmason.com. The source code for the storybooks can be found in ./packages/recast-navigation/.storybook/stories.


Functionality is spread across packages in the @recast-navigation/* organization, with the recast-navigation acting as an umbrella package.

You can choose between picking the scoped packages you need, or using the umbrella recast-navigation package, which provides additional entrypoints for specific frameworks and libraries.

All packages ship as ECMAScript modules, and are compatible with Node.js and browser environments.


The umbrella package for recast-navigation.

> npm install recast-navigation


The core library!

> npm install @recast-navigation/core


Helpers for three.js.

> npm install @recast-navigation/three


A website for generating navmeshes for your game. Drag 'n' drop your GLTF, fine tune your settings, and download your navmesh!

