
lidar to camera projection of KITTI

Primary LanguagePython

Lidar to camera projection of KITTI



This is a Python implementation of how to project point cloud from Velodyne coordinates into the left color image with KITTI data set.


matplotlib == 3.1.3
numpy == 1.18.1


Download KITTI dataset and place proj_velo2cam.py in the root path. CLI is also supported, e.g. run with frame 000999

python3 proj_velo2cam.py 999

Quick demo

Just clone the whole repo and run proj_velo2cam.py. By default, run with frame 000007 with path below:

├── data_object_image_2
│   └── testing
│       ├── image_2
│       │   └── 000007.png
│       └── projection
│           └── 000007.png
├── data_object_velodyne
│   └── testing
│       └── velodyne
│           └── 000007.bin
├── proj_velo2cam.py
├── readme.md
└── testing
    └── calib
        └── 000007.txt

Original image
