
"Roon-eh-code" lets you use []rune like string in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


  1. 该版本克隆自 github.com/smartystreets/runicode
  2. 增加JSON unicode编码支持(\uxxxx\uxxx)


"Roon-eh-code" is a wrapper package to let you use []rune like string in Go. Certain operations on native strings containing Unicode characters may return unexpected results. For example, character positioning (like substring indexes given by strings.Index()) is actually a byte—not character—offset. Runicode treats multibyte characters as single characters, true to []rune form.


Just the usual:

$ go get github.com/xjtdy888/runicode



import "github.com/xjtdy888/runicode"


str := runicode.New("My string")  // runicode.String, which is []rune under the hood

Or if you prefer to cast instead:

str := runicode.String("My string")  // runicode.New() does this for you anyway

Some more:

native := "Hello, 世界!"
runi   := runicode.New(native)

nativeLen := len(native)   // 14 (bytes)
runiLen   := len(runi)     // 10 (characters)

idx1 := strings.Index(native, "界")   // 10 (byte offset)
idx2 := runi.Index("界")              // 8  (true character offset)

// Ascending lexicographical sort is available
sortable := []String {
sorted := runicode.Sort(sortable)

// Most common functions from the strings package are available as methods
padded := runicode.New("  Woah too much whitespace	")
padded = padded.TrimSpace() // Runicode strings are immutable
padded = padded.ToUpper()   // Methods/functions return a different instance

// If you prefer to use string literals, call the package funtions instead
suffixed := runicode.HasSuffix(runi, "界!")
words    := runicode.Split(runi, ", ")
さようなら := runicode.Replace(runi, "Hello,", "Goodbye,")

Please feel free to fork and contribute to this simple project.