
A gem5 experimental repo in order to explore Data-dependent Access (DDA).

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

DMP-VA-FS Tutorial


  • Linux
  • GEM5 build env



  • unzip aarch-system-20220707.tar.bz2
    • path to vmlinux.arm64 as kernel_path
    • path to boot.arm64 as bootloader_path
  • unzip ubuntu-18.04-arm-docker.img.bz2
    • path to this img as disk_path

Mount disk img as loop dev.

# losetup -P /dev/loopX disk_path
# mount /dev/loopXpY disk_mount_point_as_you_like

Copy workload into it.

# cp workload disk_mount_point_as_you_like/your_workload_path/


# cp spmv_csr.elf as-caida_csr.mtx disk_mount_point_as_you_like/spmv/

Configurate rcS with your workload path. Example spmv_csr.rcS


echo "SpMV Computing!"
cd /spmv
./spmv_csr.elf false ./as-caida_csr.mtx
echo "SpMV Done."

/sbin/m5 exit


  • Compile GEM5 with scons:
$ scons build/ARM/gem5.opt -j(nproc)
  • run gem5. Example:
$ build/ARM/gem5.opt \
    configs/dmp_pf/fs_L2.py \
    --num-cpus 1 \
    --cpu-clock 2.5GHz \
    --cpu-type O3_ARM_v7a_3 \
    --caches --l2cache \
    --l1i_assoc 8 --l1d_assoc 8 --l2_assoc 4 \
    --l2_mshr_num 32 \
    --l2_repl_policy LRURP \
    --l2-hwp-type DiffMatchingPrefetcher \
    --dmp-init-bench spmv \
    --dmp-notify l1 \
    --mem-type SimpleMemory --mem-size 8GB \
    --kernel=kernel_path \
    --bootloader=bootloader_path \
    --disk-image=disk_path \
    --script=spmv_csr.rcS \

Additional Options

Name Description Example
--dmp-init-bench benchmark name for PC hint when auto-detection is disable spmv
--dmp-notify access cache level which trigger DMP l1
--tlb-size DTLB size 65536
--stride-degree degree for StridePrefetcher 4
--dmp-range-ahead-dist prefetch ahead number of continuous target pc address 0
--dmp-indir-range prefetch generating number from continuous index pc offset 16


You can utilize checkpoint mechanism to speedup simulation. Keep --tlb-size consistent between cpt dumping and cpt restoring.