Fast Data Analysis on HPC
Write following to ~/.condarc
, so new environments are in this directory.
- ~/.conda/envs
report_errors: true
Create a conda env
module load python
conda create --name FastAna python=3.7
source activate FastAna
Install mpi4py
tar zxvf mpi4py-3.0.0.tar.gz
cd mpi4py-3.0.0
module unload craype-hugepages2M
Now check which cc
actually returns something like: /opt/cray/pe/craype/2.5.18/bin/cc
If yes, proceed:
python build --mpicc="$(which cc) -shared"
python install
Then install ROOT
conda install -c conda-forge root cmake
Then install FastAna in a new directory
git clone FastAnalysis
cd FastAnalysis
pip install -e .
Input files are shared at: /global/project/projectdirs/atlas/xju/examples/H5vsROOT
Python, no MPI
make_Hmumu_hist make_hist_sherpa.yaml reduced_merged_3jet_6_withBDT.root 0 -1
Python, with MPI. First test MPI
srun -n 4 test_mpi
Then run on the files:
srun -n 8 make_Hmumu_hist_mpi make_hist_sherpa.yaml reduced_merged_3jet_6_withBDT.root test.root
Then run on the H5 file:
srun -n 8 make_Hmumu_hist_h5 make_hist_sherpa.yaml merged_3jet_6.h5 test_H5_input.root
Install ray in the conda environment through pip:
conda install pip
pip install "ray[debug]"
Run the test script in an interactive session:
salloc -N 2 -C knl -q interactive -t 01:00:00 -A atlas
source construct_ray_cluster 32
Define tasks to process (split input files into equally sized chunks):
define_tasks -i /global/project/projectdirs/atlas/xju/examples/H5vsROOT/ reduced_merged_3jet_6_withBDT.root -t DiMuonNtuple
Use 'raydistribute' script to distribute the tasks across multiple nodes.
Use the '-l' option to run locally and use the '--dry-run' option to only print out the commands:
raydistribute make_Hmumu_hist config/make_hist_sherpa.yaml -l --dry-run
If commands look good, execute them by removing the --dry-run option.
Allocate some nodes as in the Hello World example:
salloc -N 2 -C knl -q interactive -t 01:00:00 -A atlas
Setup Ray and construct the Ray cluster
source construct_ray_cluster 32
First do the 'dry-run':
raydistribute make_Hmumu_hist config/make_hist_sherpa.yaml --dry-run
If commands look good, execute them by removing the --dry-run option.
Add option '--timeline' to the raydistribute process to get a json file with a timeline automatically created by Ray. The timeline file can be opened with chrome://tracing as shown here:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Run with TTreeReader
./src/runTTreeReader /global/project/projectdirs/atlas/xju/examples/H5vsROOT/reduced_merged_3jet_6_withBDT.root test.root
Run with TTreeProcessorMT
./src/runTTreeMT /global/project/projectdirs/atlas/xju/examples/H5vsROOT/reduced_merged_3jet_6_withBDT.root test.root
Run with RDataFrame
./src/runRDataFrame /global/project/projectdirs/atlas/xju/examples/H5vsROOT/reduced_merged_3jet_6_withBDT.root test.root