supplementary material for paper "VCGAN: Video Colorization with Hybrid Generative Adversarial Network" under review of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

Primary LanguagePython


VCGAN is a hybrid colorization model that works for both image and video colorization tasks.

arxiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.12357.pdf

1 Pre-requisite

Note that this project is implemented using Python 3.6, CUDA 8.0, and PyTorch 1.0.0 (minimum requirement).

Besides, the cupy, opencv, and scikit-image libs are used for this project.

Please build an appropriate environment for the PWC-Net to compute optical flow.

2 Visual comparisons of VCGAN and the other SOTA video colorization methods

So far we visualize two samples included in the main paper for better visualization.

2.1 DAVIS dataset - 'horsejump-high'

The representative image is shown as (please compare the significant regions marked by red rectangles):

The gifs are shown as:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Grayscale Ground Truth

2.2 Videvo dataset - 'SkateboarderTableJump'

The representative image is shown as (please compare the significant regions marked by red rectangles):

The gifs are shown as:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Grayscale Ground Truth

3 Visual comparisons of VCGAN and the other SOTA image colorization methods

We visualize the Figure 11 in the main paper for better view.

4 Download pre-trained model

Please download pre-trained ResNet50-Instance-Normalized model at this link, if you want to train VCGAN. The hyper-parameters follow the settings of original paper except normalization.

Please download at this link (will available after published), if you want to test VCGAN. Then put this model in the models folder under current path.

5 Use the code

Put the pre-trained ResNet50-Instance-Normalized model into trained_models folder, then change the settings and train VCGAN in first stage:

cd train
python train.py or sh first.sh

After the model is trained, you can run following codes for second stage:

python train2.py or sh second.sh (on 256p resolution)
python train2.py or sh third.sh (on 480p resolution)

For testing, please run (note that you need to change path to models):

python test_model_*.py

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