
This repository is a tensorrt deployment of the onsets and frames model, which is implemented using pytorch.

Primary LanguageC++

Onsets and Frames TensorRT inference

This repository is a tensorrt deployment of the onsets and frames model, which is implemented using pytorch (https://github.com/jongwook/onsets-and-frames).


  • c++ dependencies
    1. TensorRT-
    2. OpenCV-4.2.0
    3. CUDA Toolkit-10.2
    4. cuDNN-
    5. Eigen-3.3.7
    6. libsamplerate
    7. protobuf-3.11.4
    8. cnpy
    9. midifile
  • python dependencies
    1. tensorrt- (c++ TensorRT/python)
    2. toch-1.7.1
    3. opencv-python-4.2
    4. onnx-1.8.0
    5. onnxruntime-1.8.0
    6. cudatoolkit-10.2
    7. torchvision-0.8.2
    8. torchaudio-0.7.2
    9. torch2trt (github)
    10. onnx-simplifier (github)
    11. librosa-0.8.1
    12. tensorboard-2.7.0
    13. mido
    14. mir_eval
    15. tqdm

detailed information can be found in torch1.7.yaml

Train yourself

see the READE file under python/onsets-and-frames/

Get the TensorRT Engine file

1.train the model yourself or use the pretrained model in Baidu Netdisk https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SiW8A6DHa9du9RQyzouZSQ?pwd=8ir9 Extract code: 8ir9. Put the model file under models.

2.convert the pt file to onnx

cd python
python tools/convert_pt2onnx.py ../models/model-500000.pt ../models/model.onnx

3.convert the onnx to TensorRT engine.

python tools/convert_onnx2trt.py ../models/model.onnx ../models/model.trt


1.configure cpp/CMakeLists.txt


cd cpp && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..


./amt ../../models/model.trt ../../sample/MAPS_MUS-chpn-p19_ENSTDkCl.wav