
A command line tool using WebKit for converting web sites to PDFs or images.

Primary LanguageC


Version 0.6 - Source available on GitHub.

Copyright 2010 Joachim Fornallaz. All rights reserved.


This tool is used to generate graphic representation of web pages. It can create bitmap formats such as PNG or JPEG and PDF documents.


WebKitTool requires Mac OS X Tiger (v10.4) or later and runs on Intel and PPC Macs.


WebKitTool consists of a single file which can be installed anywhere, preferably in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin - make sure the file is executable.


WebKitTool is a command line tool which is invoked like this:

./WebKitTool [OPTIONS] <web address> <output path>

The file extension of the output path defines the output format (pdf, png or jpg).

The general options are:

  • -w, --browserwidth

    Specifies the width in pixel of the virtual browser window.

For PDF files, you can use following options:

  • -p, --paginage

    Creates multiple pages (A4 format) instead of one big page.

  • -o, --orientation

    Sets the page orientation: 'portrait' (default) or 'landscape'.

  • --header-left-js, --header-right-js, --footer-left-js, --footer-right-js

    Sets a JavaScript expression to be evaluated for setting header and footer texts. The window object has an additional object called printInfo with the properties currentPage and pageCount.


Creating a PNG image of www.google.com:

./WebKitTool www.google.com google.png

Creating a single page PDF of www.google.com:

./WebKitTool www.google.com google.pdf

Creating a multipage PDF of www.engadget.com with headers and footers:

./WebKitTool -p \
  --header-left-js document.title \
  --header-right-js "new Date().toLocaleString()" \
  --footer-left-js document.location.href \
  --footer-right-js "'Page ' + window.printInfo.currentPage + ' of ' + window.printInfo.pageCount" \
  http://www.engadget.com engadget.pdf

Additional Information

If a web page you want to capture uses Flash, you might see the following output in the Terminal:

Debugger() was called!

There is nothing to worry about.


Thanks to Dave Dribbin for his ddcli framework which is used to parse the command line options.