
Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Kill the Newsletter!

Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds.


Version 0.0.3
Documentation GitHub
License GNU General Public License Version 3
Code of Conduct Contributor Covenant v1.4.0
Source GitHub
Bug Reports GitHub Issues
Contributions GitHub Pull Requests
Author Leandro Facchinetti


Domain NameCheap
Hosting Heroku
HTTPS for free Heroku dyno Cloudflare
Receive Emails SendGrid’s Inbound Parse Webhook
Store Feeds Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage


  1. Create accounts in Infrastructure services.

  2. [NameCheap] Buy domain.

  3. [Heroku] Create new app.

  4. [Heroku] Add custom domain.

  5. [Heroku] Add SendGrid add-on.

  6. [SendGrid] Start to authenticate domain at Sender Authentication (verification will happen at step 11).

  7. [Cloudflare] Add site.

  8. [NameCheap] Configure Cloudflare as nameserver.

  9. [Cloudflare] Activate site.

  10. [Cloudflare] Configure DNS (SendGrid’s DNS records from step 6 are grayed out):

  11. [SendGrid] Verify Sender Authentication.

  12. [SendGrid] Create Inbound Parse endpoint at <URL>/email (<URL> must match value in Configuration).

  13. [Backblaze] Create bucket.

  14. [Heroku] Set Config Vars following Configuration.

Run Locally

  1. Create .env file following Configuration.

  2. Run with heroku local.

  3. Simulate SendGrid’s Inbound Parse Webhook:

    $ curl --request POST \
           --url http://localhost:5000/email \
           --form 'charsets={}' \
           --form 'from=GLaDOS <glados@example.com>' \
           --form 'envelope={"to":["cfni8kcr4oqalfwgechq@localhost"]}' \
           --form 'subject=Come to the party' \
           --form 'text=There will be *cake*' \
           --form 'html=There will be <em>cake</em>'


Environment Variable Description Example Default Value Required
B2_ACCOUNT_ID Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Account ID b59189777aec
B2_APPLICATION_KEY Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Application Key 5dc69b45c8661d6de1c52f45766e989638d7157179
B2_BUCKET Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Bucket kill-the-newsletter
NAME Display name Kill the Newsletter!
URL Service URL https://www.kill-the-newsletter.com http://localhost:5000
EMAIL_DOMAIN Domain to receive emails kill-the-newsletter.com localhost
URN URN used in feeds ids kill-the-newsletter
ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL Email address for support requests administrator@example.com kill-the-newsletter@leafac.com