
CodePath iOS assignment using the Yelp API

Primary LanguageSwift

CodePath Week 2: Yelp

This is a Yelp client that uses the Yelp Search API. This is also the assignment for Week 2 of the CodePath iOS for Engineers class for Fall 2015, built with Xcode 7.0 and Swift.

My laptop screen broken down during this past week (e.g. "the dog ate my homework"). Also, while trying to understand & finish this homework (on an external monitor), my parents kept calling about scheduling our family trip to Hawaii ASAP. It was rough, but I was able to code things up on time, and also book some plane tickets plus research & order a replacement laptop on eBay. Whew! :)

Time spent: 12 hours

Required Features: Search results page

  • Table rows should be dynamic height according to the content height.
  • Custom cells should have the proper Auto Layout constraints.
  • Search bar should be in the navigation bar.

Required Features: Filter page

  • The filters you should actually have are: category, sort (best match, distance, highest rated), radius (meters), deals (on/off).
  • The filters table should be organized into sections as in the mock.
  • You can use the default UISwitch for on/off states.
  • Clicking on the "Search" button should dismiss the filters page and trigger the search w/ the new filter settings.

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough
