
WhatsApp external channel for Rapidpro

Primary LanguagePython


WhatsApp external channel for Rapidpro (Can basically work as WhatsApp Aggregator)

Getting started

You have to setup a rapidpro external channer with you domain and give it the https://<youdomain>/from_rapidpro as endpoint

Then add the following to your settings.

CREDENTIALS = ("<YOUR WHATSAPP PHONE NUMBER>", "<YOUR WHATSAPP PASSWORD>") RAPIDPRO_NOTIFY_RECEIVED = 'http://machine.ballotuganda.com/api/v1/external/received/<your rapidpro channel uuid>/' RAPIDPRO_NOTIFY_SENT = 'http://machine.ballotuganda.com/api/v1/external/sent/<your rapidpro cahnnel uuid>/'

  • Run Celery the usual way
  • Run receiver with python manage.py receive (This should run forever, so you probably want to figure out the best way to do that)
  • Run server the django way