Natural Language Date/Time Parser Using Lex/Yacc/C
Moment handles simple and complex expressions. Because it's written in C, it can easily be transferred to many other languages.
To use it: Add the 4 files to your project. Include "TimeParser.h" Then call the method parseDateTimeString(StringToParse), which returns a time_t type. You can then turn it into struct tm * with the localtime function.
Here is what it looks like in objective c:
NSString *when = @"2 days from now at 3pm";
char *whenstr = (char *)[when UTF8String];
time_t finalTime = parseDateTimeString(whenstr);
str_time= localtime(&finalTime);
To get it to work in x-code all you have to do is add the files. X code automatically generates the C files for you.
Example Expressions:
- thursday
- november
- friday 13:00
- mon 2:35
- 4pm
- 6 in the morning
- friday 1pm
- sat 7 in the evening
- yesterday
- today
- tomorrow
- this tuesday
- next month
- this morning
- last night
- this second
- yesterday at 4:00
- last friday at 20:00
- last week tuesday
- tomorrow at 6:45pm
- afternoon yesterday
- thursday last week
- 3 years ago
- 5 months before now
- 7 hours ago
- 7 days from now
- 1 week hence
- in 3 hours
- 1 year ago tomorrow
- 3 months ago saturday at 5:00 pm
- 7 hours before tomorrow at noon
- 3rd wednesday in november
- 3rd month next year
- 3rd thursday this september
- 4th day last week
Specific Dates
- January 5
- dec 25
- may 27th
- October 2006
- jan 3 2010
- March 14, 2004
- March 14th, 2004
- 3 jan 2000
- 17 april 85
- 5/27/1979
- 27/5/1979
- 1979-05-27
- Friday
- 5
- 4:00
- 17:00
- 0800