
Skins for 1.7/1.8/1.9 offline/online mode (Spigot/CraftBukkit and Bungeecord)

Primary LanguageJava


Restoring offline mode skins & changing skins for Spigot/CraftBukkit/BungeeCord/Sponge servers

Supported versions: 1.7.10 | 1.8.x | 1.9.x | 1.10.x

Download Jar | https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skinsrestorer.2124/

Install instructions:

For CraftBukkit/Spigot:

  1. Place the plugin in plugins folder
  2. Restart your server
  3. Edit config to your liking

For BungeeCord:

  1. Place the plugin in plugins folder
  2. Restart your server
  3. Edit config to your liking
  4. Place the same plugin in your Minecraft servers plugin folders
  5. Make sure you have bungeecord enabled in spigot.yml
  6. Restart servers (There is no config in bungee mode)

For Sponge:

  1. Place the plugin in your mods folder
  2. Restart your server
  3. TODO: Config :c