
Map-like data structure with fast "shift"

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Container with efficient shift-insert and shift-delete operations

Initial note: This is somewhat experimental, I have several more ideas that I one to try.

  • This one is right-plus left-id. Would like to try right-plus left-minus.
  • This one is using AVL. It would probably make sense use similar data structure as in containers?
  • Play with how much strictness is used. (Which part of the data structure would be best to be kept strict so that performance is good, but also fusion works?)


Imagine a deck of cards. We can ask for n-th card in the deck. When we take that card out, indexes of all following cards will decrease. Similarly when we insert card at position m indexes of all cards from position m will increase. Straightforward array implementation leads to linear complexity (worst case scenario is inserting at/removing from the very beginning of the deck will require moving every (remaining) element). (Analogous issues for list-based implementation.)

This is an example how this can be made more efficient.

Modifying binary search trees

We are going to introduce modification of binary search tree that will allow for search (test whether element is member of the data structure), insert, and delete. Later we will show that also AVL-trees can be extended this way, thus getting to efficient operations for insertion, deletion, and lookup.

This will be used as a basis to implementation of structure equivalent to Map Integer a.

type Key = Integer

data ShiftTree
    = Empty
    | Node Integer ShiftTree ShiftTree

That is a simple binary tree. What makes it different is how we will represent values stored in it.

  • Value in the root (v) of the tree represent itself.
  • Values in left sub-tree are represented unmodified.
  • Values in right sub-tree are represented as lowered by v.
  • Tree with interpreted values is binary search tree.
    / \
   l   r

As an example let us look at several possible representation of tree storing values 1,2,3. Shown are represented (naked) and interpreted (parenthesized) values.

    3(3)       3(3)       2(2)       1(1)      1(1)
   /          /          / \          \         \
  2(2)       1(1)     1(1)  1(3)       2(3)      1(2)
 /            \                       /           \
1(1)           1(2)                  1(2)          1(3)

It should be straightforward that every sub-tree of valid ShiftTree is a valid ShiftTree (even though possibly representing different values than it represented in original sub-tree, "shifted" by sum of values of nodes from root at which we went turned right).


Retrieving all values in order. O(n) where n is number of values stored.

toList :: ShiftTree -> [Key]
toList = go 0 []
    go a s = \case
        Empty -> s
        Node v l r -> go a (a+v : go (a+v) s r) l


Test for emptiness and creating singleton ShiftTree. O(1)

null :: ShiftTree -> Bool
null = \case
    Empty -> True
    _ -> False

singleton :: Key -> ShiftTree
singleton k = Node k Empty Empty


The whole tree can be "shifted" (all represented values increased by given number). O(h) where h is height of the tree.

shiftAll :: Integer -> ShiftTree -> ShiftTree
shiftAll 0 = id
shiftAll n = go
    go = \case
        Empty -> Empty
        Node v l r -> Node (v+n) (go l) r

Also part of the tree can be "shifted". O(h) where h is height of the tree.

shift :: Integer -> Key -> ShiftTree -> ShiftTree
shift 0 = const id
shift n = go
    go k = \case
        Empty -> Empty
        Node v l r -> case compare k v of
            GT -> Node v l (go (k - v) r)
            _ -> Node (v + n) (go k l) r


Test whether element is in given ShiftTree. O(h) where h is height of the tree.

elem ::  Key -> ShiftTree -> Bool
elem k = \case
    Empty -> False
    Node v l r -> case compare k v of
        EQ -> True
        LT -> elem k l
        GT -> elem (k-v) r


Insert element into ShiftTree. O(h) where h is height of the tree.

insert :: Key -> ShiftTree -> ShiftTree
insert k = \case
    Empty -> singleton k
    t@(Node v l r) -> case compare k v of
        GT -> Node v l (insert (k - v) r)
        LT -> Node v (insert k l) r
        EQ -> t


Delete element into ShiftTree. O(h) where h is height of the tree.

delete :: Key -> ShiftTree -> ShiftTree
delete k = \case
    Empty -> Empty
    Node v l r -> case compare k v of
        GT -> Node v l (delete (k - v) r)
        LT -> Node v (delete k l) r
        EQ -> case deleteMax l of
            Nothing -> Empty
            Just (v', l') -> Node v' l' (shiftAll (v' - v) r)

deleteMax :: ShiftTree -> Maybe (Key, ShiftTree)
deleteMax = \case
    Empty -> Nothing
    Node v l Empty -> Just (v, l)
    Node v l r -> (\(v', r') -> (v+v', Node v l r')) <$> deleteMax r

Shifting version of operations

Existence of these is trivial from existence of shift, insert, and delete.

So far we have provided only basic operations on binary trees (except for shifting the whole tree). Now we provide shiftInsert and shiftDelete that will also increase indexes of all elements greater than or equal to given element.

(For example applying shiftInsert 1 three times on empty ShiftTree and decoding it is expected to give us [1,2,3]. Also note that shift-inserting values 3,2,1 in that order and decoding it would yield [1,3,5].)

Shift insert

Inserting with shifting all larger or equal values by one. O(h) where h is height of the tree. (Note that we handle equal value as if it was larger value, and it is okay.) Analogous to simple insert, but whenever we are to insert to left sub-tree, we increase current value by one.

shiftInsert :: Key -> ShiftTree -> ShiftTree
shiftInsert k = \case
    Empty -> singleton k
    Node v l r -> case compare k v of
        GT -> Node v l (shiftInsert (k - v) r)
        _ -> Node (succ v) (shiftInsert k l) r

Shift delete

Deleting with shifting all larger or equal values by one. O(h) where h is height of the tree. Again, analogous to simple delete case. (We are even re-using deleteMax from simple delete case.).

shiftDelete :: Key -> ShiftTree -> ShiftTree
shiftDelete k = \case
    Empty -> Empty
    Node v l r -> case compare k v of
        GT -> Node v l (shiftDelete (k - v) r)
        LT -> Node (pred v) (shiftDelete k l) r
        EQ -> case deleteMax l of
            Nothing -> Empty
            Just (v', l') -> Node v' l' (shiftAll (v' - v - 1) r)

Limiting the hight of the tree

It is quite straightforward that it is possible to use these modifications also on AVL-trees. Thus complexities of aforementioned operations are to be modified so that h is replaced with log(n).

Provided library is such an implementation, and turning it into map-like structure.